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  • [总统演讲] US President's radio addre

    点击此处下载音频■点击查看演讲文本■ US President's radio address on social security (January 15,2005)THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week, I met with some of our fellow citizens from across the

    2006-03-05 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] US President's radio addre

    点击此处下载音频■点击查看演讲文本■ US President's radio address on tsunami (January 8,2005)THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Americans continue to mourn the victims of the devastating tsunamis in the

    2006-03-05 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] US President's radio addre

    点击此处下载音频■点击查看演讲文本■ US President's radio address on tsunami (January 1,2005) Secretary of State Colin Powell speaks as Florida Governor Jeb Bush listens at a news conference in tsu

    2006-03-05 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] US President's radio addre

    点击此处下载音频■点击查看演讲文本■ US President's radio address on Christmas day (December 25,2004) This official White House photograph shows US President George W. Bush and US First Lady Laura

    2006-03-05 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] US President's radio addre

    点击此处下载音频■点击查看演讲文本■ US President's radio address on the Thanksgiving Day(November 27,2004) THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. As Americans gather to celebrate this week, we show our grat

    2006-03-05 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] US President's radio addre

    点击此处下载音频■点击查看演讲文本■ US President's radio address on APEC Sumit|(November 20,2004) THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This weekend I am on my first trip outside the United States since th

    2006-03-05 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] President Bush announces nomin

    点击此处下载音频■点击查看演讲文本■ President Bush announces nomination of Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State (November 16,2004) U.S. President George W. Bush listens to National Security Advi

    2006-03-05 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] John Kerry's radio address

    点击此处下载音频■点击查看演讲文本■ John Kerry's radio address: this election will be in your hands (October 30,2004) U.S. Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry raises his arms upon arriving

    2006-03-05 编辑:admin

  • [总统演讲] Ronald Reagan:"A Time for

    点击此处下载音频■点击查看演讲文本■ Ronald Reagan: "A Time for Choosing" ( October 27,1964, Los Angeles)Program Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, we take pride in presenting a thoughtful address b

    2006-03-05 编辑:admin

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