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  • [CCTV9] CCTV视频新闻:秦腔名旦李梅

    Qinqiang opera singer Li MeiQinqiang is a thousand-year-old operatic genre originating in China's inland northwestern region. It has established a venerable tradition as an "opera shouted ..

    2009-06-16 编辑:echo

  • [CCTV9] CCTV视频新闻:新中国60周年贺礼影片马兰花即将上映

    Coming Attractions: June 15 - 21Here's a rundown of the best films, plays and concerts giving you an array of exciting choices during your free time.Movie adaption of classic stage showMa Lan H..

    2009-06-15 编辑:echo

  • [CCTV9] CCTV视频新闻:大陆新增22例H1N1流感病例

    22 new A/H1N1 cases reported on mainlandThe Ministry of Health confirmed 22 new A/H1N1 flu cases on the Chinese mainland on Saturday, bringing the total to 165.Four new cases were confirmed in each o

    2009-06-14 编辑:echo

  • [CCTV9] CCTV视频新闻:微软将在欧洲销售无IE版Windows 7

    因害怕遭到欧盟的又一次反垄断处罚,微软将在欧洲销售剥离了IE浏览器的Windows 7系统。Windows 7 to ship without IE in EuropeMicrosoft says it will send the newest version of its Windows operating system i

    2009-06-13 编辑:echo

  • [CCTV9] 精选视频:奥巴马开罗大学演讲

    奥巴马开罗大学演讲PDF全文(中英文) 下载美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马6月4日在埃及开罗大学发表讲话,阐明美国致力于寻求与穆斯林国家关系的新开端。翻译由美国国际信息局(IIP)提供。以下文本仅仅是节选:I am ho

    2009-06-12 编辑:echo

  • [CCTV9] CCTV视频新闻:瑞士赛中国女排3-2险胜德国

    Volleyball: China tough through 5 sets to beat GermanyFrom the Swiss Elite Women's Volleyball, China fought-out a tough match to beat Germany.The first set started with China making attacks and..

    2009-06-11 编辑:echo

  • [CCTV9] CCTV视频新闻:中国南方洪水灾害已造成41人死亡

    Floods kill 41 in China since AprilFloods in China have left 41 people dead and eight missing since the flooding season began on April the 1st. Floods in 16 provinces in southern China have also affe

    2009-06-10 编辑:echo

  • [CCTV9] CCTV视频新闻:救援塌方中被围困人员

    Rescue continues for landslide victimsSearch and rescue operations at a landslide in Chongqing in the southwest have entered their 4th day. 27 miners are known to be trapped, and eight of them are in

    2009-06-09 编辑:echo

  • [CCTV9] CCTV视频新闻:1000多万学生参加高考

    10 mln students sit college entrance examOver 10 million high school graduates across China are now meeting possibly the most important challenge in their lives. The 2009 national college entrance ex

    2009-06-08 编辑:echo

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