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  • [学个词Learn a Word] 学个词Learn a Word第845课:odds

    今天我们要学的词是odds。 Odds, 可能性。"The odds are good," 可能性很大。"The odds are in our favor," 我们获胜的机会更大。"If you are in your 30s, odds are you have not seriously considered your retir

    2012-01-31 编辑:Jasmine

  • [学个词Learn a Word] 学个词Learn a Word第844课:fuel

    今天我们要学的词是fuel。 Fuel, 做为动词,有刺激的意思。"The basketball player put his house up for sale, fueling speculation that he is being traded," 这个篮球队员正在卖房子,大家因此猜测,他可能要被

    2012-01-29 编辑:jasmine

  • [学个词Learn a Word] 学个词Learn a Word第843课:mediocre

    今天我们要学的词是mediocre。Mediocre, 是平庸的意思。"A mediocre actor," 演技平平的演员。"The coach transformed the mediocre team into a championship contender," 这个教练把一只不怎么样的球队变成了一个

    2012-01-28 编辑:jasmine

  • [学个词Learn a Word] 学个词Learn a Word第842课:sway

    今天我们要学的词是sway。 Sway, 做为动词,有试图影响别人的意思。"Virginia's candidates for governor are trying to sway undecided voters," 维吉尼亚州长候选人试图影响仍然左右摇摆的选民。"Health care

    2012-01-20 编辑:jasmine

  • [学个词Learn a Word] 学个词Learn a Word第841课:red tape

    今天我们要学的词是red tape。 Red tape, 意思是官僚羁绊。"The mayor promised to eliminate red tape that hampers business development," 市长保证要铲除那些阻碍商业发展的官僚障碍。"The relief efforts were

    2012-01-19 编辑:Jasmine

  • [学个词Learn a Word] 学个词Learn a Word第840课:happy ending

    今天我们要学的词是happy ending。 A happy ending, 美好的结局。"Fairy tales always have a happy ending," 童话故事往往会有美好的结局。"There was a happy ending to the love story," 这个爱情故事最后有一个

    2012-01-17 编辑:jasmine

  • [学个词Learn a Word] 学个词Learn a Word第839课:call it quits

    今天我们要学的词是call it quits。 Call it quits, 意思是停止,了结。"The negotiators decided to call it quits for the night," 谈判人员决定今天晚上就谈到这儿。"The band plans to call it quits at the e

    2012-01-16 编辑:jasmine

  • [学个词Learn a Word] 学个词Learn a Word第838课:pose

    今天我们要学的词是pose。 Pose, 做为动词,有冒充的意思。"The police are looking for a robber posed as a cop," 警方正在搜捕一个假冒警察的抢劫犯。"A 52-year old man was arrested for posing as a high sch

    2012-01-13 编辑:jasmine

  • [学个词Learn a Word] 学个词Learn a Word第837课:speak volumes

    今天我们要学的词是speak volumes。 Speak volumes, 意思是充分说明。"The standing ovation at the end of his speech spoke volumes of his popularity," 他讲话结束后,全场听众起立鼓掌,充分显示了他受欢迎的程

    2012-01-12 编辑:jasmine

  • [学个词Learn a Word] 学个词Learn a Word第836课:hoax

    今天我们要学的词是hoax。 Hoax, 骗局、恶作剧。美国警方证实,上星期的气球男孩事件是一起事先策划的恶作剧, "The police have confirmed that the "balloon boy" incident was a hoax." 俄亥俄州一名女子在一家服

    2012-01-11 编辑:jasmine

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