[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—白羊座
AriesAries gets straight to the point, talking vigorously with a good deal of fiery energy behind their words. 2012-09-29 编辑:mike
[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—金牛座
TaurusTaurus can seem quiet since they tend to reach decisions slowly, but once they hit a viewpoint, they are2012-09-28 编辑:mike
[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—巨蟹座
CancerCancer is a feeler first and a thinker second. They are creative, intuitive and bubbling with initiative, and2012-09-28 编辑:mike
[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—狮子座
LeoSimply put, Leo adores an audience. They speak with fiery force, and they love to entertain! They'll try&nbs2012-09-27 编辑:mike
[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—天蝎座
ScorpioScorpio is an intense speaker, usually plunging straight to the heart of the matter, disliking superficial answer2012-09-27 编辑:mike
[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—摩羯座
CapricornCapricorn is cautious when it comes to discussions ... until they get warmed up. Essentially practical and 2012-09-26 编辑:Mike
[星座英语] 星座英语:星座工作优势大盘点—双鱼座
PiscesPisces is not at their happiest in the rational universe of words and thoughts. They feel, dream and follow their hunches, often sounding vague and camouflaging their real opinions because they2012-09-26 编辑:Mike
[新闻热词] 新闻热词:台风相关词汇大盘点
双台风“苏拉”、“达维”前脚刚走,“海葵”又生成。“海葵”属于高纬度生成台风,阻力小,速度快,登陆时可能正是发展强盛时期,需高度关注。今天我们就来看看与台风有关的英文都怎么说。typhoon台风high wind狂风2012-08-08 编辑:justxrh
[双语达人] 《心术》热议中收官 医疗剧集大盘点
After the sensation of Qing dynasty drama series Legend of Zhen Huan, another TV series that’s widely aired in China has come to an end.继清朝古装剧《后宫甄嬛传》爆红之后,另一部国内热播电视剧集宣告2012-06-07 编辑:Sara
[体育资讯] 盘点历届奥运会口号Olympic slogan
盘点历届奥运会口号:1984年美国洛杉矶 Play a Part in History 参与历史1988年韩国汉城 Harmony and Progress 和谐、进步1992年西班牙巴塞罗那 Friends for life 永远的朋友1996年美国亚特兰大 The celebration of2012-06-06 编辑:justxrh