[专四便条写作范文] 专四便条写作范文 抱怨投诉便条
抱怨投诉便条(关键词complain, dissatisfaction)a.抱怨投诉行为b.投诉内容具体描述c.要求弥补纠正赔偿d.抱怨投诉者对弥补纠正赔偿等的敦促或威胁套句:行为描述I’m writing to bring your attention to the pr2009-06-08 编辑:vicki 标签:
[专四写作五大高招] 专四写作五大高招 合集
专四写作五大高招:试着改变一下每个句子的开头专四写作五大高招:一句多译专四写作五大高招长短句交插专四写作五大高招:巧用连接词专四写作五大高招改变句子的长度2009-06-05 编辑:vicki 标签:
[专四便条写作范文] 专四便条写作范文 请求便条
请求便条a.讲清事情的因由(为什么请求)b.请求行为c.请求实现方式d.致谢套句:请求帮助: Would you do me a favor? Would you be so kind as to…?/ Could I trouble you to send this book for me?/ I won2009-06-05 编辑:vicki 标签:
[专四作文范文] 专四作文范文 How to Achieve Team Work
How to Achieve Team Work"Experience is the best teacher," people say. Indeed, the most important, and sometimes the hardest, lessons we learn in life come from our participation in situat...2009-06-04 编辑:vicki 标签:
[专四便条写作范文] 专四便条写作范文 请假条
请假条April 20, 2008Dear Ms. Jiang,I am terribly sorry that I shall be unable to attend this morning two periods of English Class (I‘m terribly sorry to apply for ten days’ leave from the Aug. 23r2009-06-04 编辑:vicki 标签:
[专四便条写作范文] 专四便条写作范文 拒绝邀请
③拒绝邀请April 20, 2008 Dear Amelia,It’s so kind of you to invite me to the dinner party, I would like to but I have a meeting to attend this evening, please give my best regards to them all and I2009-06-03 编辑:vicki 标签:
[专四作文范文] 专四作文范文 Living in university dorm
Living in university dormitories or apartments in the community? I think it is better for college students to live on campus during their first two years, and then move into an apartment for off-camp2009-06-03 编辑:vicki 标签:
[专四写作综合指导] 专四写作五大高招 改变句子的长度
改变句子的长度英文段落中的各个语句在长度上应该有一定变换,即所谓的长短句之说。短句子适用于表述概念,陈述事实,增强论述的力度,给人以精炼强调之感;长句子经常用于描写,解释和论述一个完整的情况,给人以严谨2009-06-03 编辑:vicki 标签:
[专四作文范文] 专四作文范文 TV—Blessing or Curse?
TV—Blessing or Curse?Few things in the modern world have so much influence on people as the television does. Being besieged with TV news, absorbing teleplays, well-masterminded programmes, one can e2009-06-02 编辑:vicki 标签:
[专四写作五大高招] 专四写作五大高招 长短句交插
长短句交插改变一下句子的类型,把简单句、并列句和复合句混合在一起使用。如果句子清一色是简单句,文章必定很单调乏味。如果全篇充满了冗长的复杂句,读起来也很费力。最好的方法是以简单句为基础,配合适当的并列2009-06-02 编辑:vicki 标签:
[专四写作综合指导] 专四写作备考经验:名师指导写作复习
名师指导写作复习一、背诵背诵是提高英语综合能力的法宝,可分为以下5个层次:(1)精彩词汇,(2)精彩句型,(3)精彩句子,(4)万能框架,(5)经典范文。注意句子和句型不一样,精彩句子应作为单词来记忆。背诵前,确保自2009-06-01 编辑:vicki 标签:
[专四写作五大高招] 专四写作五大高招:巧用连接词
巧用连接词有的学生在作文中使用过多简单句,成了简单句堆砌;有的写复杂句时,动辄用so, and,then,but,or,however,yet等非但达不到丰富表达方式的目的,反而使句子结构松散、呆板。为了避免这种现象,可以通2009-06-01 编辑:vicki 标签:
[专四作文范文] 专四作文范文: Buying or Borrowing Book
Buying or Borrowing Books?Books are close friends of humanity. They can arm us with knowledge and information we need to make success of life. Through books we can obtain skills and techniques for su2009-06-01 编辑:vicki 标签:
[专四便条写作范文] 专四便条写作范文: 接受邀请
接受邀请April 20, 2008Dear Amelia,It’s so kind of you to invite me to the dinner party, I would like to come. I will go to the place right after I finish my work at about 5 p.m. this evening. (如果是2009-06-01 编辑:vicki 标签:
[专四写作综合指导] 英语专业四级写作句型30句
1.There is no sport I enjoy more than swimming.2.Nothing is more important than perseverance in achieving success.3.I don't imagine anything we cannot do so long as we persist.4.There is no de...2009-05-31 编辑:vicki 标签:
课程名称 | 课时 | 价格 | 试听 |
2014英语专业四级(TEM4)精品全程班 | 110 | 660 | ![]() |
【协议】2014英语专业四级(TEM4)VIP全程班 | 137 | 1200 | ![]() |
英语专业四级 (TEM4) 强化班 | 80 | 500 | ![]() |
英语专业四级词汇速记视频课程 (曲根主讲) | 20 | 200 | ![]() |
英语专业四级(TEM4)基础班 | 66 | 200 | ![]() |
2022年英语专业四级听力真题 听写
姿势是用身体各部位摆出的动作。 -
2022年英语专业四级听力真题 演讲
今天,我的演讲主题是为大学面试做准备。 - 3
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