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时间:2012-07-12 06:51:00 来源:可可英语 编辑:Ballet  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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Dan:You are cousin Charlie?


Serena:Well, wait. What about your trust fund? Why haven't you gotten it yet?

等等,你没有信托基金吗? 为什么还没拿到?

Ivy:I have to say it was a pretty devious plan.


Carol:Thank you, Ivy. You played your part perfectly.


Blair:What we have is a great love. No matter what we do and how much we fight, it'll always pull us in. I should find Louis and tell him it's over. We need to talk. When I need to tell you is--


Chuck:What she's trying to say is, you have my blessing. This is your chance at happiness.You deserve your fairy tale.


Blair:It's taking all the power I have to walk away from you.


Chuck:But I need to let you go.


Serena:Being alone is just what I need. No boys, no bars. Just a bottle of sun block and a dozen of the best beach reads. Are you turning "The beautiful and damned" into a movie?


David:I got an idea. We got the beautiful and the damned. So this is not your assignment now.


Nate:I always know it's serious when even you know you can't dull the pain. Just spin the globe and pick a point. Bachelors who don't have to answer to anybody.


Actress:what is it?


Actor:God, you're such a swan in this light.


What about your trust fund?

点拨1trust fund是指“信托基金”。例如:She set up a trust fund for her children.(她为孩子们创立了信托基金。)

点拨2:What about+宾语从句是常见的一个口语句型,它用于询问对方的意见或者是对方的情况。例如:What about the salary? (薪水怎么样?)They are very splendid. What about the price?(这些非常不错。价格怎么样呢?)

也可用于表示询问对方需求什么东西。例如:What about a cup of hot chocolate? (想喝一杯热巧克力牛奶吗?) What about a cup of tea? (喝杯茶如何?)

You played your part perfectly.

点拨:play one’s part是个固定短语,意思“尽本分”“尽自己的职责”“尽自己的一份力量”。例如:It was now Hero's turn to play her part with Beatrice.(现在该轮到希罗来尽她对贝特丽丝的一份责任了。)

此外,它还有“扮演角色”的意思。例如:You play your part more successfully than we have think.(这个角色你演得比我们想象的还要成功。)

它还有“发挥作用”的意思。例如:No matter who he may be, he can play his part in the modernization of our country .(不管他是谁,他都可以在我国现代化中发挥作用。)

No matter what we do and how much we fight, it'll always pull us in.

点拨1:no matter意思是“无论,不管”,它用以引导让步状语从句。


1. 它后面可以接由how+副词、形容词引导的从句。例如:I could not convince him no matter how hard I tried.(无论我如何努力,也说服不了他. )No matter how hard everyone tried to persuade him, he just wouldn't listen.(不管大家怎么劝说,他搞地不听。)

2. 它后面还可以接由who,what等代词引导的从句。例如: Don' t open the door no matter who knocks.(不要开门,不管是谁敲门。)No matter what you do, never lose heart.(不管你做什么千万不可泄气。)例如:Recently, I feel tired no matter what I do.(最近我无论做什么都会疲劳。)

3. 它后面还可以接由when,where等副词引导的从句。例如:No matter when you call on me, you are welcome.(无论你什么时候来,都欢迎。)No matter who point out our shortcoming, we will correct them.(不管谁指出我们的缺点,我们都改正。) No matter where you go, I'll go with you. (无论你到哪里,我都与你同行。)

点拨2:pull in是一个固定短语,意思“拉入”,在这里可以理解为拉近某人的关系或感情,句中是pull us in,意思拉进我们之间感情或关系,使我们的关系更好。

This is your chance at happiness.

点拨:one’s chance at something意思“......的机遇,机会”。例如:You've given me a second chance at life.(你给了我第二次人生的机会。) He is playing ducks and drakes with ways he will stand no chance at all of an appointment abroad.(他一点也不珍惜自己的机会,除非改弦更张,不然他是不会有机会去国外任职的。)

It's taking all the power I have to walk away from you.

点拨1:power在这句话中的意思是“力量,精力”,take是“花费”的意思。take all the power意思“花费所以的力量”,“使出所有的力量”。例如:It took all the power I have to make this programme.(我花费了所以的精力去做这期节目。)

Take all the power I have可以理解为“经过内心矛盾的斗争,费尽心思,再三考虑最后鼓起勇气做出决定”。

解析2:walk away from是个固定短语,介词from后面接somebody意思是“离开某人,甩开某人”。例如:Don't walk away from me. I have nothing, nothing, nothing, if I don't have you. (不要离开我,如果没有你,我一无所有。) I try to walk away from him but he keeps pulling me back. (我试图把它甩开,可是它却一直把我往回拽。)

介词from后面接something的话,意思“不管某事”“对某事撒手不管”。例如:I can't just walk away from this.Yeah, but you just can't walk in either.(我不能就这样不管。是的,但是你同样也不能插手。)There was a tendency in him to walk away from the impossible thing. (而对无能为力的事情,他往往就绕开走了。)

I always know it's serious when even you know you can't dull the pain.

点拨:dull在这里是做动词用,意思“变得迟钝”,pain是“痛苦”的意思,dull the pain字面意思“使痛苦变得迟钝”,在这里可以理解为“使痛苦减少”“痛苦得到缓解”。

Bachelors who don't have to answer to anybody.

点拨:answer tosb意思是“对某人做出回答”“答复某人”,在这里可以理解为:做出某些不好的事情不用对某人负责。Bachelor是指单身汉。作为单身汉,玩过一个女人就过去了,如果是结婚的话,那么单身汉既要对调情的女人负责,也要对自己的妻子负责。因此,answer to sb在这里可以理解为“不用对某人负责”的意思。例如:You will have to answer to the committee for your conduct of the affair. (你要就你处理这件事,对委员会负责。)
Who do you answer to in your new job? (你做的新工作要向谁负责?)


相关热词搜索: 绯闻 女孩




绯闻女孩第一季 第3集(双语字幕)
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