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新课标小学英语听力100篇 第11篇:Bob's Daydream 鲍勃的遐想

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11.Bob's Daydream 鲍勃的遐想


daydream n.白日梦across prep.越过;穿过wakev.叫醒,唤醒


I.Listen to the passage and decide which of the following statements are True and which are False .听短文,判断下列哪个陈述是对的,哪些是错误的。l.The students are having a math class.同学们在上数学课。2.Bob is listening carefully.鲍勃在认真听课。3.After class, Bob goes out to play football with his friends.课后,鲍勃去外面同他的朋友们踢足球。4.When the bell rings, he closes his notebook happily.铃响后,他很高兴地合上了他的笔记本。5.Bob walks slowly to his next class.鲍勃缓慢地走向了他的下一堂课。

II.Listen to the questions about the passage and choose the best answer A. B. C or D.听短文,选择问题的最好答案A. B. C或D。l. What are the students doing?1. 我的学生们正在做什么?A. They are playing games.他们在玩游戏B. They are looking out of the windows.他们在看窗外。C. They are having a class.他们在上课。D. They are watching the clouds in the sky.他们在看天上的云。2. What is Bob doing?2. 鲍勃正在做甚么?A. He is looking out of the window.他在看窗外。B. He is watching the clouds.他在看窗外的云。C. He is listening carefully.他在认真听。D. Both A and B.A项和B项都对。3. What does Bob want to do?3. 鲍勃是想做什么?A. He wants to have a class.他想上课。B. He wants to have the next class.他想上下一节课。C. He wants to go out and play football.他想出去踢足球。D. None of above.以上均错误。4. How does Bob feel when the bell rings?4. 鲍勃怎么觉得当铃响了吗?A. Happy.高兴。B. Sad.悲伤。C. Excited.兴奋。D. Angry.生气。5. What will Bob do after the math class?5.鲍勃做什么数学课之后?A. He will have his next class.他会上他的下一节课。B. He will play football.他会踢足球。C. He will do his homework.他会做他的作业。D. He will go back home.他会回家。


It's a very nice day in October. The students are having a math class.这是十月里一个非常愉快的一天。学生们在上数学课。But Bob is looking out of the window and watching the clouds moving across the blue sky.但是鲍勃在看着窗外的云彩在蓝色的天空。"Boy, what a day to play footballl" he thinks.“哇,今天的天气踢足球多好啊”他想。Just then the bell rings and wakes him from his daydream.然后下课铃响了,他从白日梦中醒来。He closes his notebook sadly, stands up, and walks slowly to his nextclass.他沮丧的合上自己的笔记本,站起来。慢慢地走到他的下一个班。

答案 I. l. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T答案 II. l. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A




