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新课标小学英语听力100篇 第17期:How Can Betty Get to Her School

来源:可可英语 编辑:jennyyao   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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17.How Can Betty Get to Her School?贝蒂如何去上学?


station n.车站traffic n.交通narrow adj.狭窄的yard n.码


I.Listen to the passage and decide which of the following statements are True and which are False .I.听短文,判断下列哪个陈述是对的,哪些是错误的。( ) 1.Betty wants to know the way to her school.贝蒂想知道去她学校的路。( ) 2.Betty should turn right and walk until she reaches the traffic lights.贝蒂应该右转,然后一直走到交通信号灯处。( ) 3.Behind the cinema. there is a narrow street.在电影院后面有一条狭窄的街道。( ) 4.The school is about one hundred yards down the street .学校在那条街上一百码远处。( ) 5.The school is on the left of the street.学校在那条街的左侧。

II. Listen to the questions about the passage and choose the best answer A. B. C or D.II.听短文,选择问题的最好答案A.B. C或D。1. What does Betty want to know?1.贝蒂想知道什么?A. She wants to know the way to her school.她想知道去她学校的路。B. She wants to know the way to the station.她想知道去车站的路。C. She wants to know the way to the cinema.她想知道去电影院的路。D. She wants to know the way to Chang An Street.她想知道去长安街的路。2. How does Betty go to her school?2.贝蒂怎么去学校?A. She walks to her school.她步行去学校。B. She drives to her school.她开车去学校。C. She takes a bus.她乘公交车。D. She takes a taxi.她乘出租车。3. Where is the narrow street?3.哪里是狭窄的街道?A. It's just behind the cinema.就在电影院后面。B. It's just benind the school.就在学校后面。C. It's just behind the park.就在公园后面。D. It's just behind the museum.就在博物馆后面。4. How can Betty get to the traffic lights?4.贝蒂怎么会走到交通灯?A. Turn right and walk.向右转然后直走。B. Turn left and walk.向左转然后直走。C. Turn around and walk.转过身然后直走。D. Turn back and walk.向后转然后直走。5. How far is the school from the cinema?5.从电影学校有多远?A. One hundred yards.100码。B. Two hundred yards.200码。C. Three hundred yards.300码。D. Four hundred yards.400码。


Betty wants to know the way to her school when she comes out of the station.贝蒂想知道她学校的路上,当她出来的车站。It is not very difficult.这不会太难。直到她到达交通灯。Betty should turn left and walk until she reaches the traffic lights.贝蒂应该向左转,然后一直走知道她到达交通信号灯处。Turn left again. She will be on Chang An Street.再左转,她将会到达长安街。Keep walking until she comes to a cinema. Just behind the cinema. there is a very narrow street.一直走,直到她来到一家电影院。在电影院后面。有一个很窄的街道。The school is about one hundred yards down this street on the right.学校就在这条街上一百码处的右前方。

答案 I 1. T Z. F 3. T 4. T 5. F答案 II 1. A Z. A 3. A 4. B 5. A




