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VOA常速:Aid Agencies Say Congo Fighting Has Split Families
时间:2008-11-25 10:03:53  来源:可可英语  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Aid agencies say recent fighting in the Democratic Republic of Congo has led to the widespread separation of family members. More than 250,000 people are believed to have been displaced since fighting resumed between rebels and government forces in August. Derek Kilner has more from VOA's East Africa Bureau in Nairobi.

A demonstrator carries a flower tribute during a silent walk through London to the Rwandan embassy as people mark the human tragedy in the Congo, 21 Nov 2008

Humanitarian organizations, including Save the Children and Oxfam, say more than half the civilians displaced by recent fighting in eastern Congo may have lost contact with family members.

Save the Children emergency officer George Graham spoke to VOA from Goma, the capital of North Kivu province in Eastern DRC.

"The survey was conducted by four British aid agencies who went into the camps around Goma. We interviewed almost 300 people and found that of those people, two thirds had lost a family member, whether that be a parent or a husband or a wife, or indeed a child," said Graham. "About a quarter of the people we surveyed had lost children."

With its limited sample size, the survey does not provide conclusive figures, but the organization says it provides an indication of the scale of the problem.

"The villages have been attacked completely by surprise. Families have found themselves in the middle of the night having to gather their possessions, gather all their family members together and flee to safety," he added. "And in the chaos of this situation, we are finding numerous reports of families ending up separated."

The aid agency CARE has also said that up to one-fifth of displaced families around Goma are headed by single mothers.

Sporadic fighting has plagued eastern Congo since the official end of the country's civil war in 2003, but the violence has intensified since late August. The heaviest clashes have pitted the rebel National Congress for Defense of the People, led by Laurent Nkunda, against government forces. But several other armed groups have been involved in attacks.

The U.N. Security Council last week approved the deployment of an additional 3,000 troops for the peacekeeping mission in the Congo, known by the French acronym, MONUC. With 17,000 troops it is the world's largest peacekeeping mission, but its forces are spread across a large area and have had difficulty preventing clashes.

Government troops stopped a U.N. convoy Sunday near the Kibati refugee camp outside Goma and removed 23 people being transported by the United Nations. The men were taken despite the apparent objection of the peacekeepers. U.N. officials say they included members of the Mai Mai militia, who have traditionally been allied with the government, but government soldiers accused the men of being rebels.

After the incident, civilians threw stones at the U.N. convoy, the latest manifestation of local frustration with the operation. But for the most part, a tentative ceasefire has been holding in the region.

Last week, Nkunda's forces pulled back from front lines near the town of Kanyabayonga, north of Goma. MONUC military spokesman Jean-Paul Dietrich says that so far the peacekeepers have encountered few problems.

"The situation has been calm for about a week in this region. There was some attempt of incursion on Thursday, when a group of about 70 Mai Mai tried to enter Rwindi, which was left by CNDP on Tuesday evening," said Dietrich. "But we finally convinced them not to continue towards Kiwanja, I think this was their plan, and they returned from where they came."

Nkunda says he is protecting the region's ethnic Tutsi community from Rwandan Hutu militia operating in the area, and has demanded direct negotiations with the Congolese government. The government maintains negotiations must involve all of the numerous armed groups operating in the country's east.



儿童紧急救助委员会的官员George Graham 在刚果共和国东部的北基伍省首府戈马对VOA记者说。





CARE救助站也报道说 ,高达五分之一的家庭只剩下单身妈妈主持家庭。



政府军周日阻止了戈马城外Kibati难民营联合国军队的护卫,转移了由联合国运送的23个人。虽然维和人员明显反对,但是这些人还是被带走。联合国官员说这些人中包括Mai Mai 义勇军,他们过去和政府军联盟,但是现在政府却指责他们是叛徒。


上周,卢旺达军队从戈马北部的Kanyabayong前线撤回。MONUC军队发言人Jean-Paul Dietrich 说迄今为止,维和部队还没有遇到什么问题。

“该地区的局势大约稳定了一个星期。只是周四,被CNDP于周二晚上遗弃的大约70名Mai Mai 义勇军企图入侵,”Dietrich说。“但是我们最终确定他们不再接近Kiwanja,我想这是他们的计划,他们会回到原来的位置。”


CNDP (National Congress in Defense of the People)是与东部北基伍地区(N. Kivu) 引起争端的一方,其领导人为洛朗‧恩孔達 (Laurent Nkunda)。



中新网10月30日电 据联合国网站报道,潘基文秘书长星期三(29日)发表声明,对刚果民主共和国东部北基伍省过去24小时中暴力升级表示关切。他指出,冲突的加剧和扩大正导致一场毁灭性的人道主义危机,并且可能对整个区域造成恶劣影响。









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