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  · 口语测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?
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淘金式巧攻大学英语词汇6级分册MP3附文本 Unit2A
时间:2007-9-12 22:22:54  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

[08:34.66]Lesson 16 ;
[08:37.77]abolish[㥮'b⺌li㤘] ;vt.彻底废除,废止
[08:38.92]Slavery was abolished in America after the Civil War in the 19th century. ;美国的奴隶制度是19世 纪时南北战争以后被废 止的.
[08:43.15]Some superstitious practices should be abolished as soon as possible. ;有些迷信做法应尽早取消
[08:47.04]amend[㥮'mend] ;vt.修改,修订;改进 n.[pl.]赔偿,赔罪
[08:48.27]The UN Charter has been amended since World War Two ;经过二战以来的修订,
[08:51.05]and great improvement has been made. ;联合国宪章已经日趋完 善.
[08:53.09]betray[bi'trei] ;vt.背叛,出卖;失信于   辜负;泄露(秘密等);   (非故意地)暴露,显露
[08:54.20]A person who betrays his own country will be spurned by people. ;一个人背叛自己祖国的人 会为世人所唾弃.
[08:58.02]She betrayed her friends by breaking her promises. ;她不遵守自己的诺言,因 而失信于她的朋友.
[09:00.76]It's illegal to betray government secrets. ;泄露政府秘密是犯法的.
[09:03.73]commence[k㥮'mens] ;v.开始
[09:04.95]At what time will the opening ceremony commence? ;开幕式什么时候开始?
[09:07.88]conception [k㥮n'sep㤘n] ;n.思想,观念,概念;   构想,设想;怀孕
[09:09.03]Does the younger generation have a clear conception of what they want? ;年轻一代清楚他们到底想 要什么吗?
[09:12.40]Deng Xiaoping had a comprehensive conception ;邓小平有完整的构想
[09:14.86]as to how to build up socialism with Chinese characteristics. ;对于如何建设有中国特色 的社会主义.
[09:18.37]constrain[k㥮n'strein] ;vt.限制,约束;    克制,抑制
[09:19.74]Nowadays many species of wild animals are bound and constrained in the zoo, ;如今,很多野生动物都被 关在动物园的兽笼里
[09:23.82]and ridiculously,only in this way they can survive. ;荒唐的是,它们只有这 样才能生存下来.
[09:27.12]Many artists don't consider themselves ;许多艺术家认为他们不必
[09:29.29]constrained by the same rules of social conduct as other people. ;像一般人那样要受社会行 为准则的束缚.
[09:32.46]deduce [di'dju:s,di'du:s] ;vt.推论,推断,演绎
[09:33.27]Einstein tried to deduce the operating principle of the toy purely by reasoning, ;爱因斯坦想通过纯粹的推 理来推断出这个玩具的工 作原理,
[09:38.05]but he was in vain. ;但却徒劳无功.
[09:39.61]dilemma[di'lem㥮] ;n.(进退两难)窘境,困境
[09:40.76]The dilemma a doctor often faces is ;医生经常面临这样的困境
[09:43.32]whether he should tell the truth to the patient or not. ;应不应该将实情告诉病 人.
[09:45.99]doubtless['dautlis] ;a.无疑的,肯定的
[09:47.21]It's almost doubtless that the Chinese Soccer Team will qualify for ;几乎无庸置疑,中国足 球队将能够进军
[09:50.25]the final tournament of the World Cup to be held in Japan and Korea. ;日韩世界杯决赛阶段的 比赛.
[09:54.07]enthusiastic [in,⺮ju:zi'㘚stik] ;a.满腔热情地,热心的,   极感兴趣的
[09:55.74]We are really don't see why the superpower is so enthusiastic over the NMD. ;我们真搞不懂为什么这个 超级大国那么热衷于搞 “国家导弹防御系统”.
[10:00.63]extinguish [iks'ti㭎gwi㤘] ;vt.熄灭,扑灭;    使消失,使破灭
[10:02.22]The fire was finally extinguished by the firemen. ;大火终于被消防队员们 扑灭了.
[10:04.82]His fire of life was extinguished bit by bit by the onset of the lovesickness. ;他的生命之火在相思病魔 的摧残下终于一点一点地 暗淡下去.
[10:09.71]formidable ['f⺌:mid㥮bl] ;a.可怕的,令人生畏的;   难以克服的,难对付的
[10:11.12]With her management skills and his marketing experts, ;她娴熟的管理技巧加上他 超凡的市场才华,
[10:14.24]they make a formidable combination. ;使他们双剑合璧, 所向披靡.
[10:16.28]He's conscious that he was a formidable rival in this field. ;他清醒地意识到,在这个 领域他遇到了一个难缠的 对手.
[10:20.17]hinder['hind㥮] ;vt.阻碍,妨碍
[10:21.24]You are hindering me in my work by talking all the time. ;你在这儿说个不停,妨碍 了我干活.
[10:24.84]imaginative [i'm㘚d䅟in㥮tiv] ;a.富有想象力的,   爱想象的
[10:26.39]A scientist,as well as a writer,must be creative and imaginative. ;科学家和作家一样必须富 于创造力与想象力.
[10:30.44]indulge[in'd⺧ld䅟] ;vi.(~in)沉溺,纵容自己 vt.使自己沉湎于,满足   (自己的欲望等);纵容
[10:31.55]Those who always indulge themselves in delights of leisure will amount to nothing ;一味的贪图安逸享受的人 到头来会一事无成.
[10:36.22]The bitter taste of disappointed love made him indulge in his own daydreams. ;苦涩的失恋滋味使他成天 沉浸在自己编织的梦幻 之中.
[10:41.30]intensify[in'tensifai] ;vt.(使)增强,(使)加剧
[10:43.08]To prevent the hoolig- ans from England and Germany making trouble during the World Cup, ;在世界杯举办期间,为预 防英国和德国的足球流氓 搞事,
[10:46.93]they have intensified the police patrols along the streets and in the bowls. ;他们调集了大批警力加强 对街道及体育场的巡查.
[10:50.94]irritate['iriteit] ;vt.使恼怒,使烦躁;   使(身体某部位)不适,   使疼痛
[10:52.27]His disloyalty irritated his wife,who resolutely left home. ;他的不忠激怒了他的妻子 她毅然决然的离开了这 个家.
[10:56.35]manifest['m㘚nifest] ;a.明显的,显然的,明了的 vt.显示,表明;证明;    使显露,使显现
[10:57.65]This is something manifest to all of us. ;这是我们大家都很清楚 的事情.
[11:00.28]The contradiction has manifested itself in the employment situation ;就业问题上的矛盾 日益突出
[11:04.17]in the course of the innovation of the economic structures. ;在经济体制改革的过程 中.
[11:07.40]naive [na:'i:v,nai'i:v] ;a.幼稚的,轻信的;   天真的
[11:08.77]Many naive girls wait for a film director to give them a chance to play a leading role ;许多幼稚的女孩等待着 电影导演给一个主角让 她们演,
[11:13.14]and make a hit overnight. ;然后一夜成名.
[11:15.11]oriental[,⺌:ri'ent㥮l] ;a.东方的,东方人的,   东方文化的
[11:16.44]The mysterious ancient oriental culture has been appealing to the westerners for ages. ;长期以来,具有神秘色彩 的古老的东方文化对于西 方人来说有着巨大的吸 引力.
[11:21.37]precede [pri(:)'si:d] ;vt.在...之前,先于
[11:22.48]Bill Clinton preceded George Bush,Jr.,as President of the United States. ;克林顿在小布什之前担任 美国总统.
[11:27.12]probability [,pr⺌b㥮'biliti] ;n.可能性,可能发生的   事;概率
[11:28.86]War is a serious probability between the two traditional enemy states ;两个传统上的敌对国家再 启战端的可能性非常大,
[11:32.53]in the present state of affairs. ;从目前的形势来看.
[11:34.46]The cluster bomb has a high kill probability ;集束炸弹有很高的杀伤力
[11:37.48]against a range of small hard and soft targets. ;对于一系列软硬小目标.
[11:40.61]quest[kwest] ;n.寻求,搜索,追求
[11:41.69]We are quite pleased to see ;我们高兴地看到,
[11:42.94]that our two countries have a common quest in building peace. ;我们两国有着建立和平的 共同追求.
[11:46.29]repel[ri'pel] ;vt.使厌恶;击退,    逐回,驱逐;排斥
[11:47.40]The strong durian smell repels me. ;榴莲那股强烈的味道使 我生厌.
[11:49.73]North magnetic poles repel each other. ;磁北极与磁南极互相 排斥.
[11:52.66]scorn[sk⺌:n] ;n./vt.轻蔑,鄙视;     拒绝,不屑(做)
[11:53.66]The younger generation in the new century scorns the traditional idea of virginity. ;新世纪的年轻一代已经对 传统的贞操观嗤之以鼻了
[11:57.96]stability[st㥮'biliti] ;n.稳定,稳固
[11:59.37]To make our country strong and prosperous, ;为使国家繁荣富强,
[12:01.74]the most important thing we should do is to maintain political stability. ;首要的是维护政治稳定.
[12:05.38]summon['s⺧m㥮n] ;vt.召唤,传唤   (~up)鼓起勇气,   振作(精神)召集,召开
[12:06.38]The man summoned as a witness was required to make an oath ;传唤到庭的证人被要求 当场发誓
[12:09.34]that what he would say was absolutely true. ;他所讲的绝对是真话.
[12:12.53]I had to summon (up) all my nerve to face my boss. ;我得鼓足勇气去见上司.
[12:15.83]testify['testifai] ;vi.作证,证明;    表明,说明 vt.证明,作证
[12:17.20]Can you testify that you saw the defendant at the scene of the crime? ;你能证明你亲眼见到被告 在犯罪现场吗?
[12:20.76]Acts testify intent. ;行为隐含动机.
[12:23.10]texture ['tekst㤘㥮] ;n.质地;(材料等的)结构
[12:24.43]One can see the orderly texture of matter through an electron microscope. ;通过电子显微镜可以看到 物质的有序结构.
[12:28.99]trivial['trivi㥮l] ;a.琐碎的,不重要的
[12:30.21]Never put the trivial above the important in doing anything. ;无论做任何事情切不可本 末倒置.
[12:35.63]Lesson 17 ;
[12:38.67]abnormal[㘚b'n⺌:m㥮l] ;a.反常的,异常的
[12:39.67]EL Nino has resulted in the abnormal weather in many parts of the world. ;厄尔尼诺现象已经导致 了世界很多地区的气候 反常.
[12:43.86]amplity ['㘚mplifai] ;vt.放大(声音等),增强;   扩大,详述,进一步阐述
[12:45.01]The radio signal can be amplified. ;无线电的信号可以放大.
[12:47.12]Can you amplify (on) your statement so that we will understand the overall problem? ;你能否对你的说法进一步 说明以使我们理解整个 问题.
[12:51.38]bewilder[bi'wild㥮] ;vt.使迷惑,使难住
[12:52.53]Benny looked around,a bewildered expression on his face. ;本尼东张西望,脸上尽是 迷茫的表情.
[12:55.68]The twists and turns in the cave soon bewildered us. ;蜿蜒弯曲的洞穴使我们很 快便失去了方向.
[12:59.09]commentary ['k⺌m㥮nt㥮ri] ;n.(广播员对球赛等的)   实况报道,(电影的)解   说词;评论,评论文章
[13:00.21]Stop shouting!I can't hear Huang Jianxiang's commentary about the football match. ;别吵了,我都听不清黄建 翔对这场球赛的解说了.
[13:04.51]Most housewives never show a slight interest in political commentary. ;大多数家庭主妇对于政治 评论没有一丁点兴趣.
[13:08.36]concise[k㥮n'sais] ;a.简明的,简要的
[13:09.77]Your comment is quite concise and to the point. ;你的评论简明扼要,一 语中的.
[13:12.77]contaminate [k㥮n't㘚mineit] ;vt.弄脏,污染
[13:13.74]The water that we have to drink and the air we have to breathe every day ;我们每天必须饮用的水, 每天必须呼吸的空气
[13:17.11]have been badly contaminated. ;遭到严重的污染.
[13:18.85]defy[di'fai] ;vt.(公然)违抗,藐视;   使成为不可能;挑,激
[13:20.08]The tabloid in England defies the censure of some people ;英国的这家小报不顾一些 人的指责,
[13:22.93]and keeps on publishing the Page 3 Girl- ;继续刊登第三版女郎--
[13:25.53]a picture of a pretty, scantily clad young woman each day. ;即每天在第三版刊登一幅 着装性感的摩登女郎的玉 照.
[13:29.12]diminish[di'mini㤘] ;vi.变少,变小,降低?vt.减少,降低
[13:30.35]Time will never cause our love to diminish. ;时光不会使我们的爱情稍 减分毫.
[13:32.64]With the popularity of TV,the number of movie viewers has diminished sharply. ;随着电视的普及,电影观 众的数量成逐年下降的 趋势.
[13:37.17]duplicate['dju:plikit] ;n.完全一样的东西,复制 品a.完全一样的,复制的 vt.复制,复印;重复
[13:38.39]This research merely duplicates work already done elsewhere ;这项研究仅仅是重复别人 已经做过的工作.
[13:41.95]Is this a duplicate or the original? ;这是复制件还是原件?
[13:44.51]entrepreneur [,⺌ntr㥮pr㥮'n㥮:] ;n.企业家
[13:45.88]Born into a poor family,Li Jiacheng had endured many hardships imaginable ;李嘉成生于蓬门荜户,不 知吃了多少苦李嘉成才
[13:50.58]before he finally became a famous entrepreneur. ;成了现在尽人皆知的名 企业家.
[13:53.63]extravagant [iks'tr㘚vig㥮nt] ;a.奢侈的,铺张的;   过度的,过分的;   (言行等)放肆的
[13:55.11]It's quite extravagant for a student to spend 2,000 yuan on a dress. ;花两千元买一套衣服对 于一个学生来说也太奢 侈了.
[13:59.30]Most inexperienced young persons tend to hold extravagant hopes for the future. ;大多数未经世事的年轻人 都对未来抱有奢望.
[14:04.04]foster['f⺌st㥮] ;vt.收养,养育;培养,促进 a.收养的,收养孩子的
[14:05.30]People who cannot have a baby of their own sometimes foster a child. ;不能生育的人有时收养别 人的孩子.
[14:09.20]The Summit Sessions held in Shanghai ;在上海举行的峰会
[14:11.35]can foster better relations and cooperation between the six countries. ;会大大促进六国之间的 友好关系与合作.
[14:15.83]immerse[i'm㥮:s] ;vt.使浸没;   (~in)使沉浸在,     使专心于
[14:17.13]The naughty boy immensed himself in the water for quite a while, ;顽皮的男孩长时间地将 整个身子浸没在水下,
[14:20.06]which frightened his parents a great deal. ;把他的父母吓个半死.
[14:22.47]Nowadays in a world full of material desires ;在当今物欲横流的世界 里,
[14:25.73]very few men can immense themselves completely in research work in a true sense. ;有几个人能够真正潜 心研究学问.
[14:31.03]hoist[h⺌ist] ;vt.举起,升起,吊起 n.起重设备;升起,   举起,吊起
[14:32.59]The child was quite interested in watching the sailors hoisting the cargo ;小孩饶有兴致地看着水手 们将货物
[14:36.21]onto the ship. ;吊到轮船上去.
[14:37.30]infectious [in'fek㤘㥮s] ;a.传染的,有传染性的;   有感染力的
[14:38.59]Mind you! ;千万当心!
[14:39.52]Hepatitis is a highly infectious type of disease that can be passed on in the food. ;肝炎是一种可以通过食物 传染且传染性极强的疾病
[14:44.23]Her infections laughter filled the room. ;房间里充满了她那有感染 力的笑声.
[14:46.38]intent[in'tent] ;n.意图,意向,目的 a.(~on)专心的,专注的  (~on)急切的
[14:47.27]Don't reproach her any more.Anyway,she seemed to behave foolishly but with good intent. ;别再责备她了,虽说她的 行为是有些鲁莽,但她的 出发点是好的.
[14:52.50]Judging from what she has been doing after taking power, ;从这位总统上台后的所作 所为不难看出,
[14:55.91]it seems that the President is intent on stirring up trouble throughout the world. ;他似乎是想把这个世界 搞得乱七八糟.
[15:00.02]jeopardize [d䅟ep㥮daiz] ;vt.危及,损害
[15:01.32]As a businessman, ;作为商人,
[15:02.73]you must do everything to avoid jeopardizing your fortune by making bad investments. ;你应该千方百计地避免 因投资不当而损失一大 笔钱.
[15:07.44]manipulate [m㥮'mipjuleit] ;vt.操纵,控制,影响;   (熟练地)操作,使用
[15:08.92]Qiong Yao made thousands of readers and audience, especially the female, ;琼瑶迷倒了千千万万 的读者和观众 (以女性尤其),
[15:13.44]crazy for her plaintive and touching novels and TV plays ;他们被她哀婉动人的小说 和电视剧陶醉,
[15:17.07]by manipulating her characters and plots to create interest. ;她通过巧妙地处理人物和 情节来激发兴趣.
[15:20.82]nasty['na:sti] ;a.令人讨厌的,令人厌   恶的;难弄的,困难的; a.严重的,恶劣的,险恶的   下流的,道德败坏的
[15:22.15]I had intended to take her as my wife,but her nasty habits her nasty mind, ;我原想娶她为妻,然而她 身上的恶习、卑鄙肮脏的 思想、
[15:26.75]in addition to her nasty temper made me change my mind. ;加上她火暴的脾气,这一 切都使我改变了主意.
[15:30.23]orientation [,⺌:ri㥮n'tei㤘㥮n] ;n.方向,目标,方位;   熟悉情况,适应,情况   介绍
[15:31.94]The winding trail caused the hikers to lose their orientation. ;弯弯曲曲的小径使使徒 步旅行者迷失了方向.
[15:35.57]Our school has an orientation towards practical skills. ;我们学校着重使用技术 的教学.
[15:38.72]This is the orientation week for all the freshmen. ;本周是专门让大一新生熟 悉情况的.
[15:41.50]patrol[p㥮'tr㥮ul] ;vt.在 巡逻,巡查 n.巡逻,巡查;巡逻兵;   巡逻队
[15:42.65]The waters here are patrolled by the enemy mariners day and night ;敌人的潜艇日日夜夜都在 这一带海域巡逻.
[15:46.92]The army intensified its patrol along the frontier. ;军队加强了边境的巡逻.
[15:50.81]preclude[pri'klu:d] ;vt.阻止,排除,妨碍
[15:51.85]The suicide note precluded the possibility of murder. ;那封绝命书排除了他杀的 可能性.
[15:55.26]probe[pr㥮ub] ;n.探针,探测器;   探索,调查 v.探索;查究;探索,探测   (用探针或探测器)
[15:56.15]It's impolite to probe too deeply into a lady's peronal affairs ;对女士的私事刨根究底是 不礼貌的.
[15:59.63]The police have launched a probe into the suspected drug dealing. ;警方已对这起涉嫌毒品交 易的案子展开了调查.
[16:03.12]radiant['reidi㥮nt] ;a.容光焕发的,喜形于   色的;光芒四射的,光辉   灿烂的
[16:04.15]This is a radiant morning.The bride's hands are radiant with rings. ;这是一个阳光明媚的早 晨,新娘子双手的戒指光 彩夺目,
[16:07.90]She is radiant with joy. ;她满脸是华光照人的幸 福状.
[16:09.98]radiate['reidieit] ;vt.发出(光或热),    辐射;流露,显示
[16:11.50]There was a tenderness that radiated from her that touched and ached me. ;从她的身上我可以感受到 她辐射出的柔情,让我感 动,让我心痛.
[16:15.80]reproach[ri'pr㥮ut㤘] ;vt.责备,批评
[16:17.32]You have got nothing to reproach yourself, for the society should be responsible for it. ;你不要自责了,社会才应 该对此负责.

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