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  · 口语测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?
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时间:2007-12-17 0:28:24  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Passage One
Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

26. [A] Graduation.
  [B] A class reunion.
  [C] The dedication of a new building.
  [D] The groundbreaking ceremony for a pedestrian walkway on campus.

27. [A] The main campus.
  [B] The student population.
  [C] The age-old ideals.
  [D] The programs of the Division of Continuing Education.

28. [A] Because a bell tower was to the built on the site.
  [B] Because it was found unsafe.
  [C] Because a parking lot was to be constructed there.
  [D] Because no one wanted to preserve it.

29. [A] Everything at State University has changed in the past ten years.
  [B]Although the campus looks the same, some things have changed at State University.
  [C] In spite of the changes on the campus, the commitments of the State University remain the same.
  [D] Everything has stayed the same at State University during the past ten years.

Passage Two
Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

30. [A] To offer a criticism of the works of Pearl Buck. 
  [B] To illustrate Pearl Buck’s views on Chinese literature.
  [C] To indicate the background and diverse interests of Pearl Buck. 
  [D] To discuss Pearl Buck’s influence on the cultures of the East and the West.

31. [A] Because she wrote extensively about a very different culture.  
  [B] Because she published half of her books abroad.  
  [C] Because she won more awards than any other woman of her time.  
  [D] Because she achieved her first success very late in life.

32. [A] Indifferent.
  [B] Admiring.  
  [C] Sympathetic.
  [D] Tolerant.

Passage Three
Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

33. [A] By its thick layer of fat under its skin.
  [B] By moving frequently in the water.
  [C] By adjusting its blood temperature.
  [D] By taking in hot air.

34. [A] Grows colder as the blubber accumulates.
  [B] Remains the same.
  [C] Varies according to the water temperature.
  [D] Grows warmer as the whale grows older.

35. [A] They have very few hairs on their bodies.
  [B] They bear their young rather than laying eggs.
  [C] Their lungs are full of hot air and water.
  [D] They can walk on their hind legs on land.


Passage One

  It is a great privilege for me to be invited to speak at the tenth year reunion of State University’s graduating class. When you arrived on campus today, after a decade, you were probably impressed by two changes at State: one, the absence of University of Tower, the first building constructed on the campus, and a historic landmark for many years; and two, the disappearance of parking lots on main campus.

  Two years ago University Tower was inspected and found to be unsafe. In spite of efforts to restore it, it was necessary to level the building. A bell tower was constructed on the same site, built for the most part using the good brick that was saved from the original building. The original bells were also preserved. As for the parking lots, they have been replaced by grass, trees, and pedestrian walkways. Parking is now located in parking garages on the North and West sides of the campus.

  Two more subtle changes have occurred within the past decade. One is the creation and expansion of the Division of Continuing Education for the Community, including a Saturday and summer enrichment program for children, and an afternoon and evening special interest program for adult. The other is the addition of the student population of many young people from abroad, especially students from Japan, Latin America, and the Middle East. Most international students are enrolled in the College of Engineering and the College of Business.

  And so, State is a different place, but like University Tower, it is built of the same brick. We are still committed to the same age old ideals “quality education for our citizens”, but we have extended our commitment beyond the borders of our state and nation to encompass the citizens and nations of the world. Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passage you have just heard.

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