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[可可杂谈]Love OR to be Loved?
Update:2009-7-23 16:20:46  Source:可可英语  Editor:vicki   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Love OR to be Loved?

Loving the person you want to love is sweet; to be loved by someone you want to be love by is lucky. However, how long can such sweetness and happiness last? Love, like a transient falling star shower, short but that beautiful. 

There's no doubt that love is the most amazing thing in the world. We can't catch it by force; we can't avoid it when it comes; we can pretend when we are in it. It can't be analysed through lab ways; it can't be described by plain words. Anyway, it exists so truly.
Nobody can maintain it without putting all himself or herself into it, including thoughts, language, money, time and the like. Only by this can we enjoy the happiness of love and being loved.




Love or to be loved? What about you? (可可视野刚开张,需要您的积极支持哦,请大家踊跃回复,有积分送哦O(∩_∩)O~)



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