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Tokyo on a shoestring(极少的资金或不用资金)

Sounds oxymoronic(矛盾形容法), doesn’t it? Tokyo and budgets seemingly don’t mix. Rest assured, you don’t have to live on rice to experience the grandeur(宏伟,壮观) and excess of Japan’s singular capital. Here’s how to do Tokyo on the cheap.


Shop around online months ahead, as rates can fluctuate(波动,涨幅) dramatically depending on demand, day of the week or season
Budget sleeps tend to be noisier, smaller and further from train stations
Check out Sanya, an old ‘hood north of Asakusa filled with tiny but cheap rooms. Good bets: Juyoh Hotel, Hotel New Azuma and Hotel Accela.
Another great cheap sleep in Chiyoda is the Sakura Hotel
For other great budget options check out the Tokyo section of Lonely Planet’s Hotels & Hostels


Kaiten-zushi (conveyer-belt输送带 sushi) restaurants serve pre-made sushi at reasonable prices
Fill your belly with noodles at simple tachigui (stand-up) shops. Sakata is one of Tokyo’s most classic noodle spots, and the sanuki udon here is divine.
Fortify(增强) yourself with a drink and some small bites like yakitori (grilled烤的 chicken skewers) at street stalls and izakaya, the Japanese equivalent(相当) of a pub
It’s all about bargain lunches! Devour sashimi at noon in places that might be beyond your budget come nightfall.
Rule of thumb: the longer the line out front, the better the food and lower the prices
Kirin beer from a vending machine (自动贩卖机)costs half as much as at a bar

Sights, Shopping & Entertainment

Cinemas and bowling alleys can be expensive, instead watch TV at the hostel or play the free console games at the Sony


Seek out museums and cinemas that offer discounts for students, children and seniors
The Imperial Palace East Garden (Higashi-Gyōen) is a great spot to escape the dazzle of Tokyo and it’s free
For toiletries(化妆品), snacks and knick-knacks(小摆设), supermarkets and 100-yen shops trump inconveniently priced convenience


Cruise the antique fairs and flea markets, often held on temple grounds. Some of the better ones: Azabu-jūban Antique Market, Nogi-jinja Flea Market and Roppongi Antique Fair.
While a full kabuki show can run you about US$150, you can catch a single-show matinee for less than US$20


Walk or bike as much as you can
Remember: the subway stops running between midnight and 1am. Don’t blow your hard-saved yen on a taxi fare, head home early (or stay out!).
City-hopping from Tokyo? Buy a Japan Railways (JR) Rail Pass before you leave home

Other tips

Avoid peak or otherwise expensive travel times, like Dec-Jan (New Year), late Apr-early May (Golden Week) and mid-Aug

Plan ahead
Great sources for deals and bargains are locals rags like Tokyo Journal and Metropolis
For more good advice grab a Tokyo City Guide or download some key chapters and save yourself some yen



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