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Update:2009-8-11 15:59:21  Source:Business Week  Editor:vicki   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

一个黑色女孩在完全没有手术的情况下自己的肤色自然转变成了白色,这究竟是怎么回事呢?据悉,23岁的Darcel de Vlugt天生拥有一身健康的黝黑皮肤,白癜风使她完全蜕变,从自己的黑色皮肤中走出,现在拥有一身靓丽的白色,这令众多皮肤专家不得不感慨。

The black girl who turned into a white woman after vitiligo (白癜风)changed colour of her entire body

Her skin is so pale that she wears Factor 100 sun cream(防晒指数100的防晒霜) on even a dull summer day.

Yet, incredibly, 23-year-old Darcel de Vlugt was born black.

In a case of extreme rarity, the skin condition vitiligo has taken the pigment(天然色素) from her entire body.

Experts say they have never come across such a striking change and she says: 'I have a hard job convincing people that I was actually born with dark skin.'

Darcel's parents Peter and Charmaine, both from Trinidad, noticed white spots on her forearm and forehead (前臂和前额)when she was five.

Doctors diagnosed vitiligo, the same condition said to have affected Michael Jackson.
By the age of seven, white patches had appeared on her legs along with white spots on the rest of her body.

These gradually grew bigger until, when she was 17, the transformation was complete.
'My father worked for the United Nations and we travelled the world a lot with his job,' said Darcel, now a fashion designer in London.

'My family believe the stress of moving at such a young age brought on the condition.

'At the age of 12 I tried UV laser treatment(紫外线激光治疗), but it didn't work and by then, 80 per cent of my body was white so I decided to leave it.'

Vitiligo causes the immune system to attack the pigment cells(色素细胞) which give skin its colour.

It affects one person in 100 of any age, race or colour although it is normally more noticeable in those with naturally dark skin. Darcel has a brother Dion, 29, who is unaffected.

Their father still works for the UN and is now based in Africa.
Last month in the Mail, Luke Davis described how he had changed from black to white apart from a circular patch on his back.

Keke View: 白癜风(vitiligo)一词来源于拉丁语vitium,意“缺损”,或vi-tellus,指“小牛白色斑片”。公元一世纪,罗马医生Celsus所写DeMedicina中,可见vitiligo一词。Vitiligo在许多古籍中常常出现。印度文献中,kilas(kil指白色,as意抛弃)和palita(pal含灰色、年老、老年之意)可追溯到公元前1500~1000年,指的是皮肤上的白色斑片。佛教圣书Vinay Pitak(624~544B.C.)中记载,患kilas的人不能做牧师。印度Manusmriti(200 B.C.)中记载,患svitra(白斑)不受尊重。《古兰经》中baras一词意指白色皮肤,常用来描述Jesus治愈后的状况。



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