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英语口语大赢家Topic222:宫廷传说 Tales of the Palace
时间:2008-7-1 12:03:51  来源:本站原创  作者:echo  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

经典背诵 Recitation
Benjamin: The Forbidden City has a long history. The construction of it started in 1407, the 5th year of the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty. And, it was completed 14 years later in 1420. It's the world's largest palace complex. One of the most famous people who used to live in this place was Tzu His. There is a book about her named “Dragon Lady”. It must be an interesting book.

complex n. 综合建筑群

perfectly adv. 完全地

dictator n. 独裁者

cold-blooded adj. 冷血的

语素 Material
The People's Princess

On July the 29th ,1981, 19 year-old Diana married Charles, the Prince of England. It was definitely a fairytale wedding, and everything looked perfect. However, the royal palace was not a real dream home for her. Diana was very unhappy in her marriage. Finally, they got divorced in 1996, and Diana's life ended tragically in a car crash in France on August the 31th, 1997. But, the public loved her, and she would live in people's hearts forever.



Julius Caesar

“I came; I saw; I conquered.” These were the words of the man who changed the course of Greco-Roman history. Julius Caesar was born in Rome on July 12 or 13, in the year 100 B.C. His father died when he was 16 year old. During his political life, he was famous for his wisdom and fighting fit. He obtained distinction for himself and his family. But he was murdered on March 15, 44 B.C., after which Rome experienced 13 years of civil war.


“我来了,我看到了,我胜利了。” 这是那个改变了希腊罗马历史进程的人所说过的话。凯撒大帝在公元前100年7月12或13日出生于罗马。他的父亲在他16岁那年去世了。在他的政治生涯中,他因其智慧和善战而闻名于世。他也为自己和家族赢得了荣誉。但他在公元前44年3月15日被谋杀,在那之后罗马经历了长达13年的内战。

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