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时间:2006-5-10 20:31:04  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第二部分  日常交际口语要素

第一单元  问候
Americans have so many different ways of greeting one another! In fact, many times an American greeting will consist of several greeting questions strung together. It is very common to hear a friend say,“Hi-Stone-What’s-up-how-are-you-doing-wow-I-haven’t-seen-you-how-have-you-been?”all in one breath. Although Americans generally believe that shorter is better, the function of greeting is an exception to the rule. Don’t be surprised if you are greeted in this way. Just practice the following greetings and responses until they become automatic. You’ll soon be saying “Wow-I’m-great-never-been-better-everything’s-going-my-way-how-about-you?”
1.  Hi!

○1A: Hi!
B: Hi!

○2A: Hi, Kim. How are you?
B: Fine. How are you doing?

○3A: Hi, I haven’t seen you for ages.
B: Wow, I know. It’s great to see you again.

Kim’s Note: This may sound simple, but it is very important. It is so common to hear people “singing” the word “Hello” when you walk through the streets of China. I think it is great that people know an English word, but they would get a lot more response with a friendly “hi”.  Never underestimate a simple word. Even “hi” can make a big difference.

2.  Nice to meet you.

○1A: Jim, this is my sister Susan.
B: Hi, Susan. Nice to meet you.

○2A: I’m Kim. Nice to see you here.
B: Nice to meet you, Kim.

○3A: Welcome to our office.
B: Thanks. Nice to meet you.

3.  How are things going?

○1A: Hi, Stone! How are things going?
B: Couldn’t be better. How about you?

○2A: How are things going?
B: Fine, but I need to talk to you.

○3A: I just started my new job this week.
B: I completely forgot. How are things going?

4.  Keeping busy?

○1A: Hi, Stone. Have you been keeping busy?
B: Yeah. Too busy.

○2A: Hi, Eden. Have you been keeping busy?
B: Not really. Just doing what I have to.

○3A: What’s new Kim, keeping busy?
B: Sure, I’m busier than I’ve ever been!

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