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时间:2006-5-10 20:47:59  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第八节  咀咒和骂人

在这一节中你将能学习到当代英语中一些较常见的诅骂和骂人话,不过,我们并非鼓励你多用这一类的话,而是因为它们在电影、电视和日常生活中出现得非常频繁 ,作为英语学习者,要想听得懂,首先要学会这些话!其实,只要是常使用的语言,无论是不雅的话抑或是优雅的话,一样值得我们重视!

65.Damn it!


A: Damn it!
B: What’s wrong with you?

A: Where have you been?
B: Damn it! I told you I had to work late tonight. Get off my back!

A: I’m sorry sir, the tickets for Hong Kong have been sold out.
B: Damn it! It just isn’t my day. I’m having rotten luck today.



A: You just missed the last train to Shenzhen.
B: Shit! I have an important meeting there tonight.

A: Oh, shit! I just spilled coffee all over my shirt.
B: You need to calm down and take your time. No wonder you spilled your coffee.

A: Shit! How dare you treat me like that? Who do you think you are?
B: I’ll treat you any way I please!

67.Shut up!


A: Shut up! I’ve heard enough!
B: But I have a lot more to say!

A: And another thing…
B: Oh, shut up, Bob.

A: I know nobody wants to hear about this problem…
B: You’re right. We don’t, so just shut up.

68.Go to hell!


A: I’m sick of your nagging all the time.
B: Go to hell! I’m sick of you!

A: Hey, could I borrow your car ?
B: Go to hell! The last time you borrowed my car you wrecked it!

A: Shut up and get out of my face!
B: Go to hell! I never want to see you again anyway!

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