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房地产英语口语(附字幕) Lesson 10:达成交易
时间:2006-5-13 19:32:09  来源:本站原创  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

房地产英语口语 Lesson 10:达成交易
[00:00.00]Scene:ABC Properties Company,Tai Koo Shing Branch
[00:05.62]A:Agent Mr.Wang
[00:08.70]C:Client Mr.Johnson
[00:12.23]A:Good morning,Mr.Johnson.How are you today?
[00:15.36]C:I am fine,thank you.How about you?
[00:19.20]A:Not bad.Just a little busy.
[00:21.84]C:That means you are doing good business.
[00:24.27]A:So far so good.
[00:26.31]C:Well,I am here to pay you the agency fee because I am leaving Hong Kong next week.
[00:32.73]A:Sure.Let me check the balance.
[00:35.27](Mr.Wang Picks up a file and checks the Preliminary Sale and Purchase Agreement.)
[00:41.33]The balance is forty_three thousand Hong Kong dollars.
[00:46.08]C:Who shall I put down as the payee's name?
[00:49.66]A:ABC Properties Company,please.
[00:52.74]C:Here is the cheque.
[00:54.15]A:Thank you.
[00:55.75]C:Do you know if the new owner has moved into the house or not?
[01:00.19]A:Not yet.Mr.Chan bought the house for investment purpose.
[01:04.94]I heard that he is going to have someone change the carpet and repaint the house first.
[01:11.24]C:I see.
[01:13.14]A:Mr.Johnson,thank you for your cheque and here is your receipt.
[01:17.77]C:Don't mention it.I really appreciate your help,otherwise,I would not have been able to sell this house in such a short period.
[01:28.56]A:Thank you.(shake hands)



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