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实用商务英语会话(MP3附字幕) 场景5:Account 银行帐户
时间:2009-6-22 11:10:21  来源:可可英语  作者:alex  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
[00:00.00]What kind of account did you prefer?
[00:03.24]Would you like to open a current account?
[00:05.94]There's a service charge for the checking account while you pay no money for the saving account.
[00:11.02]In which way would you like to deposit your money?
[00:14.04]What is the minimun deposit for a savings account?
[00:17.17]A deposit or current account?
[00:20.12]Can I open a savings account at any time?
[00:23.33]Even one yuan is ok.
[00:25.52]What is the minimum original deposit?
[00:28.22]Please bring it back whenever you deposit or withdraw money.Keep it well and report whenever you lose it.
[00:35.24]I would like to open a current account.
[00:37.87]A checking account can help to pay my bill.
[00:40.93]I wonder how to open a checking-savings account.
[00:44.14]I have a checking account here,which is working.
[00:47.77]I think I'd like a deposit account.
[00:50.62]How do I operate this account?
[00:53.24]Can I open a current account here?
[00:56.20]I'd like to open a deposit account.
[00:58.90]What's the difference between a savings account and a checking account?
[01:03.40]The procedure for opening a savings account is simple.
[01:07.14]Is there any minimum for the first deposit?
[01:10.06]Does each account cost much?

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