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白领的一天 场景48:请假
时间:2010-1-21 11:37:49  来源:可可英语  作者:echo  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 



范例一:Mother’s wedding

I would like to ask for one day off next week.

Do you think the manager will agree?

I know it is the busy time for our company, but I do have some important things to handle.

Well, it is hard to say. At least you need to come up with a good reason.

Actually, it is my mother’s wedding. My parents divorced many years ago. Now she is ready to establish a new family. It is a special occasion. I’ve got to be there, right?

Yes, you should be there. Go find the manager and ask. I think the manager will understand and approve you a day off. Don’t forget to fill in the leave application form. It will be signed by the manager for approval.

Thank you so much.

范例二:Headache is killing me

Can I ask for leave this afternoon?

What is the problem?

I had a headache this morning. I didn’t pay attention to it. I thought probably it is because I didn’t sleep well. But now it is getting worse and worse. I feel quite dizzy now and my eyes are somehow very light-sensitive. Maybe it is the migrated.

It is ok. You look really pale and red eyes. I suggest you go home immediately and have a good rest.

Thank you very much. I am sure good rest will do indeed. I don’t have this too often.

范例三:A note from the doctor

Listen, you can not afford another day off. You’ve called in sick five times in the last three weeks.

I know, but I am really sick.

Well. I want a note from the doctor this one and to be honest, if it continues, we may not be able to have you here.

I understand, sir. I’ll bring a doctor’s note in tomorrow. I am sorry, Mr. Thomas


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