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  · 口语测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?



  • 字幕名称:
  • 乱世儿女 Barry Lyndon 英文剧本


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剧本大小:52 K热门等级: ★★★
更新时间:2008-3-11 11:13:11插件情况:无插件


又名: 乱世儿女 / 巴里.林登

导演: 斯坦利 库布里克 (Stanley Kubrick)

制片国家/地区: 英国
上映年度: 1975


This film falls under the category of what Pauline Kael called "Good Trash". A lot of the techniques employed by Kubrick here are demanding, yet readily pleasing: although the film is very long, the editing is so disciplined that one feels not one dull moment. And the soft lighting is very hard to do well without: (1) ruining the right contrast and in-situ fidelity, and (2) seeming cloy as caramel; but Kubrick pulls it off!
    On the other hand, the theme material lacks depth, and we feel out of touch with the characters, who are not really fully devloped and plausible. However, one only recognizes these shortcomings upon reflection after the viewing, and the viewing itself is thoroughly agreeable. Come to think of it, the spirit of the film is very well aligned to the style of the Baroque novels themselves, which is more about mannerism and a wry sense of humor than realism and psychological depth. A very nice period adaptation.
    Tips: the recurring theme music, a motif of delicate beauty, at times sweet, and at times haunting, is from Schubert's Piano Trio in E-Flat. A good rendition is by the Beaux Art quartet. Otherwise the set performance with Grimaux is also excellent.

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