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 By Paul Thompson

Broadcast: September 19, 2004



Now, the VOA Special English program, PEOPLE IN AMERICA.

I'm Steve Ember.

In the early days of the last century, an American doctor wrote about the Native American people called the Lakota or Sioux. His name was Charles Eastman. He was one of the few people to ever win the trust of the old people. He could do this because he too was a Lakota, Sioux. His Lakota name was Ohiyasa.

As a child he learned to ride a horse. He learned to hunt. And he learned other skills that made the Sioux great.

When Ohiyasa was fifteen years old he was sent to an American school for Indian children. He was given the English name Charles Eastman. He did very well in school. He was chosen to go on to college and then to medical school. He returned to his tribe as their medical doctor.

In the early part of the past century, Charles Eastman saw that many of the old people were dying. He feared their history and culture would die with them. He talked to many of the very old members of the Sioux. He put their words down on paper.

One of these stories was about a famous Indian fighter named "Rain-in-the-Face." This is the story that Doctor Eastman wrote.


About two months before the great Sioux warrior, Rain-in-the-Face, died, I went to see him for the last time. "Friend," I said, "at home when the old men were asked to tell the brave things they had done, the tobacco pipe was passed. So come, let us smoke now to the memory of the old days."

He took some of my tobacco and filled his long pipe. The old man lay upon a small bed covered by a red blanket. He was all alone that day, only an old dog lay silent by his feet. Finally he looked up and began telling me about his long life.



"I was born near the Cheyenne River about seventy years ago. My family were not great chiefs, but they were good warriors and great hunters.

I was given the name "Rain-in-the-Face" as a young man. This was after a great battle when we were on a warpath against the Gros Ventres tribe.

I had painted my face with warpaint that day. I had wished my face to represent the sun when partly covered with darkness. So I painted it half-black, half red.

We fought all day in the rain and some of the war paint on my face was washed away. Much of the black and red paint had run together. So I was given the name "Rain-in-the-Face." We Sioux considered it an honorable name.


As he told his story old Rain seemed to come alive. He smiled as he talked. He seemed younger and his eyes shined.


One of the most daring attacks that we ever made was against the army base called Fort Totten in North Dakota. The fight took place in the summer of Eighteen-Sixty-Six. I had a special friend then. His name was Wapaypay. He was known to the white men as Fearless Bear. He was the bravest man among us.

In those days Wapaypay and I called each other "Brother — Friend." This was a life and death promise among the Sioux. What one does the other must do and that meant that I must be with him in the attack. And, if he was killed, I must fight until I died also.

I prepared for death. I painted my face with my special sign -- half red, half black. Now the signal for the attack was given. My horse started even with Wapaypay, but his horse was faster than mine.

This was bad for me. By the time I came close to the fort, the soldiers had somewhat recovered from the surprise of our attack. They were aiming their guns more carefully.

Their guns talked very loud but hit few of us. Their guns were like an old dog with no teeth who makes much noise and becomes more angry the more noise he makes. How much harm we did I do not know. When the fight was finished I saw blood on my leg. Both my horse and I were wounded.


I knew that Rain-in-the-Face had taken part in two of the most famous fights with white soldiers. One of these fights was near an army fort named Fort Phil Kearny in Wyoming.

The other was the most famous battle between the Sioux and the American Army. Rain-in- the-Face was in the battle against the famous army general, George Armstrong Custer. That great battle took place near the Little Big Horn River. I asked him to tell me about these two great battles.

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