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时间:2008-3-15 15:09:27  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

For the next six weeks, the DemocraObama, Clinton Focus on Pennsylvania Primary

tic presidential race between Senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will focus on the state of Pennsylvania. The northeastern state holds its presidential primary on April 22.



Barack Obama continues to lead in the delegate count for the Democratic nomination, but Hillary Clinton's victories in the large states of Texas and Ohio have propelled her back into the race.



Clinton has had some success in raising questions about Obama's readiness to be president and commander and chief, and it is likely she will continue that line of attack in the weeks to come.



"Senator McCain will bring a lifetime of experience to the campaign," Clinton said. "I will bring a lifetime of experience, and Senator Obama will bring a speech that he gave in 2002. I think that is a significant difference."



Public-opinion polls give Clinton the edge in Pennsylvania, though recent surveys show Obama cutting into her advantage.


Pennsylvania is similar to Ohio in its demographic makeup, with lots of working class voters and women who have tended to support Clinton over Obama in most of the other Democratic caucuses and primaries.



Stuart Rothenberg publishes a political newsletter in Washington and was a guest on VOA's Encounter program:



"You have to understand that Senator Clinton has been performing much better among certain kinds of voters, Latino voters, older voters, women voters and downscale voters, that is very partisan Democrats who have come from less affluent families and have less formal education. Senator Obama has been doing very well with independents, with younger voters, with, of course, African-Americans and with upscale voters, high education, high income voters," Rothenberg said.



Clinton hopes to raise enough questions about Obama and his experience that even though he leads in the delegate count, some of the so-called super delegates may be drawn to support her at the Democrat's national nominating convention in August.



Super delegates are party activists and elected Democratic officials who attend the convention as uncommitted delegates, and can decide to support whomever they want.

In recent days, Obama has fired back at Clinton's claims about his experience, and continues to cite her initial support of the Iraq war as a key point of difference between the two of them.



"I believe I offer a clean break from the policies of George Bush, because Senator Clinton went along with George Bush on the war in Iraq," Obama said. "Senator Clinton went along with George Bush on her willingness to try to saber-rattle when it came to Iran."


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