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赖世雄中级美国英语 Lesson 111:I Want to Marry Your Wif

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Strange people do strange things. Aging German millionaire Walter Thiele certainly fits the bill.
Recently, he put advertisements in newspapers to find someone to "look after" his wife and his fortune after
he dies. Needless to say, thousands of letters poured in from all over the world. Some young men even showed
up at Walter's home. Once, when he opened the door, a young man said, "I want to marry your wife."

If you think that's funny,so does Walter. The problem is he isn't getting much sleep. So in order to get
away for a while, he's taking his beautiful young wife on a round-the-world trip. Well, I guess it takes all
kinds of people to make up the world.

He was married to Jane ten years ago. = He married Jane ten years ago. marry vt. married adj.
odd ball 怪人,怪胎
aging adj.年纪渐大的 aged adj.年老的
fit the bill = fit the requirement 符合...条件
put ads 登广告
"look afer" = take care of 软表达
make(earn) a fortune on the stockmarket 发了大财 fortune-teller 算命人 tell one's fortune 算命
pour in 涌入
show up = turn up = appear
Peter showed up at the party showing off his diamond ring.
We've been working on this case very hard two monthes; It's time to get away. 摆脱
make up 构成
go skydiving 跳伞

重点单词   查看全部解释    
diamond ['daiəmənd]


n. 钻石,像钻石的物质,菱形,纸牌的方块,棒球内场

needless ['ni:dlis]


adj. 不需要的,无用的

fortune ['fɔ:tʃən]


n. 财产,命运,运气





