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时间:2011-05-03 11:59:31 来源:可可英语 编辑:Amy  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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Sophie? 索菲
Sophie? 索菲
Sophie? 索菲
Of course! 当然了
A balcony.       Well. 阳台      好吧
What are you doing up there? 你来干什么?
I’m gonna go. 我要走了
Why? 为什么?
Because this is really painful. 因为真的很痛苦
I should have realized sooner, but I didn’t,  我应该早就意识到的 但我没有
or I guess maybe I couldn’t, 也许是我意识不到
but Victor and I aren’t together anymore. 但维克多和我分开了
And I guess I came back hoping that... 我回来是希望...
Wait, wait. You’re not engaged? 等等 你没订婚?
No. 是的
But it’s too late. 但是太晚了
It’s clearly too late. 显然太晚了
And it really doesn’t matter anymore because, honestly, 而且这也不再重要了 因为说实话
I love you. 我爱你
I can’t believe I just said that. 真不敢相信我说出来了
But I do, I love you. It doesn’t... 但这是真的 我爱你 这并不...
I mean, it shouldn’t matter to you, 我是说 对你应该没什么意义
because you’re here with Patricia.       Patricia? 因为你跟帕翠莎在一起      帕翠莎?
And you should be back with her right now. 你应该回去陪她了
Patricia is my cousin. She’s my cousin. 帕翠莎是我表妹 她是我表妹
How is that legal?       No... 近亲合法吗?      不
Sophie... No. 索菲... 不
No, no, no. Let me explain! 不不不 让我解释
Sophie, I’m so stupid. There’s two Patricias. 索菲 我真傻 总共有两个帕翠莎
There’s my cousin, who’s here, 来的是我表妹
and the one that I’ve completely forgotten about. 另一个我已经完全忘了
More importantly, there’s only one Sophie. 更重要的是 总共只有一个索菲
Now, would you please come down? 现在你可以下来了吗?
Wait, Charlie. Charlie, stop. What are you doing? 等等 查理 停下 你在做什么?
Charlie, what are you doing? 查理 你要干什么
Listen to me. Listen to me very, very carefully. 听我说 好好听我说
I live in London, a gorgeous, vibrant, historic city  我住在伦敦 一个美丽 漂亮 有历史感的城市
that I happen to love living in. 我爱那里
You live in New York, which is highly overrated. 而你住在纽约 一个名不符实的地方
Pardon me? 你说什么?
But since the Atlantic Ocean is a bit wide to cross every day, 但因为今天要穿越这么大的大西洋
swimming, boating or flying, I suggest we flip for it. 不管是游泳 坐船还是坐飞机 那就先不管它了

相关热词搜索: 听电影学英语




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