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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

I always talk about this. That we're neighbors up in Santa Barbara. But now we're really neighbors.

我经常说起这个 我们在圣巴巴拉是邻居 不过现在我们真的是邻居了
Now we're so close that we have a fence line-- I could just cut a hole. We're over the fence line.
我们现在离得超近 我们有一个栅栏线 我都能直接钻个洞 我们超过栅栏线了
No, I'm going to cut a hole in your fence. And what I'm going to do is make a gate.
不 我要在你的栅栏上开个洞 我要做个大门
Is that OK? A gate's good. OK. A hole, not good. No, I'm not going to leave it.
可以吗?大门可以 洞不好 不 我不是要留个洞


I'm going put a gate. OK, good. We're literally over the fence. I live over the fence from Ellen. Yeah.

我是想做个大门 好 好 我们真的就是跨越栅栏了 我就住在艾伦家栅栏的旁边 对
Can you believe it? So, this was, like, a couple of Sundays ago. You said, OK, where are you?
你敢相信吗?大概是几周以前吧 你说 好 你在哪儿?
We're coming. We're over the fence. I said, OK, I'm walking the dogs. I'm going to be walking the dogs.
我们要来了 我们在栅栏这边了 我说 好 我在遛狗 我打算去遛狗
And I'm going to wave over the fence. I used emoji wave. Wave over the fence. Brown hand--
我就慢慢绕到栅栏那儿好了 我用的是波浪状的表情 绕道栅栏那儿 棕色的手
That's going to be-- that's going to be me.
那就是 那就是我
And I'm down there walking back and forth, walking back and forth, waiting on you to come out. No.
我就在那儿来回走着 一遍一遍来回走着 等你们出来 不
I thought you were going to text me when you were there. Anyway, we'll hook up at some point and say hello.
我以为等你到那儿后会给我发短信呢 总之呢 有时候我们就会遇见 然后打个招呼
We've been doing it for weeks now. I was in Grand Rapids. Remember?
好几周都是这样了 还记得我在大急流城的那次吗?
You said, are you by the fence? And I go, no, I can't see you. You said, why not? I go, I'm in Grand Rapids. Yes.
你说 你在栅栏旁边吗?我说 不 我看不到你 你问为什么看不到 我说因为我在大急流城 对

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fence [fens]


n. 栅栏,围墙,击剑术
n. 买卖赃物的人<

hook [huk]


n. 钩状物,勾拳,钩
v. 钩住,弯成(钩装



n. 急流,湍流





