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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

That is Dwayne Johnson, and the movie is called "Rampage."

这位是道恩·强森 电影名字叫《狂暴巨兽》

And it's so entertaining, and it's so incredible to watch how they did it.

看着很愉悦 看他们是怎么做的 感觉很棒

Tell everyone what it's about. Yeah, so it's about my best friend.

告诉大家电影的内容 嗯 是关于我最好的朋友

I rescued my best friend who's a rare albino gorilla named George.

我就了我最好的朋友 一只很罕见的白化大猩猩 叫乔治


When he was a baby, his parents were killed by poachers.

它小时候 父母被偷猎者所杀

There's real science behind this called CRISPR science, which many of you know.

这背后有真正的科学 叫CRISPR科学 很多人都知道

And it goes wrong because it gets into bad hands.

但却出问题了 因为它被坏人掌控

And he starts to metabolize. Things start to metabolize, starts to grow.

于是它就开始新陈代谢 事情也开始变化 生长

And the basis of the movie is me trying to save his life.


And he grows to epic proportions and gigantic.


The research was not only eye opening for me in terms of the research with the gorillas.


But down there in the Atlanta zoo, where Dian Fossey foundation has offices as well, as well as in Africa, I had an opportunity to spend time with their big silverback.

而且Dian Fossey基金会还在亚特兰大动物园里有办公地点 在非洲也有 我正好有机会跟他们的银背大猩猩待在一起

His name is Taz. That's him? Actually, I believe that is my son who they wonderfully let me adopt in my name.

它叫Taz 那就是它吗 其实 我觉得那是我儿子 他们很善良地让我以我的名义收养的

I can't make girls, so this is-- That's your son? Yes, that is him. Take that, Kevin Hart.

我不能养女孩 所以 那是你儿子?对 就是它 听到了没 凯文·哈特

Iamboray is his name. And what's cool about him is he just had a baby with the oldest gorilla who they observed having a baby.

他叫Iamboray 很酷的是 他刚刚和最大生孩子年龄的大猩猩有了一个孩子

Oh, we just Instagramed about that. Yes-- You instagramed-- yeah, Poppy.

哦 我们在Instagram上面发过了 对 你发了 嗯 是Poppy

She's like 40 years-- 42 years-- She's 42 years old.

她有40岁 42岁 她42岁

Yeah. And she's really the spectacular gorilla. And they just had a baby.

对 它是只很惊人的大猩猩 他们刚有了个孩子

And what's also interesting, fascinating about Poppy is it was-- Poppy is Dian Fossey's last gorilla that she actually raised.

Poppy也很有趣很迷人的一点是 Poppy是Dian Fossey养大的最后一只大猩猩

Yeah, it's amazing. It's amazing, yes.

对 很厉害 没错

And that she's 42 years old and had a baby. That's incredible.

她42岁了 还生了个孩子 太了不起了

Yes, it's outstanding. It's incredible.

对 很棒 难以置信

Yeah, no, this is, I mean, obviously because I've started my foundation with Dian Fossey to protect these amazing creatures.

嗯 不 我是说 很明显 我跟Dian Fossey一起成立了基金会 保护这些惊人的生物

And what's great about the movie is that it's funny and clever, and tongue-in-cheek in so many areas.

电影很好的一点是它很有趣 也很聪明 在很多方面都半带开玩笑的感觉

But it really is educational for people to see because they do learn sign language.

不过人们看了会很有教育意义 因为它们确实会学手语

They do understand, and you can communicate with them.

它们能理解 你可以跟它们交流

So they do have feelings and emotions and are able to express them.

它们也有感觉和情感 也能表达出来

They have-- It's extraordinary I think what we're able to understand about gorillas and their expressions and their emotions.

真的太棒了 我们能够理解大猩猩 以及它们的表情和感情

And I'll share the story with you guys. So it was-- really, it really moved me.

我想跟大家分享这个故事 真的 让我很感动

This was the very first time that I had any kind of interaction with a gorilla and a silverback.


So down in the Atlanta zoo, it's the biggest population of silverbacks that we have in the United States.

所以在亚特兰大动物园 那里有美国最多的银背大猩猩

So the primatologist who was in charge of feeding Taz--


I believe that's Taz-- she said OK, it may take a while for him to get here.

应该是Taz 她说 好 它可能要一会儿才能到这里

She goes, I just want to warn you. You're an alpha.

她说 我想提醒你 你是人类

He's going to sense that and feel it.


He is going to become very aggressive.


He may start pounding on the cage.


He may start grunting, moving back and forth very fast.

开始大叫 前后到处跑

She says, just, it's going to be part of the process.

她说 这要个过程

I'm like, OK. He comes over, and he sits down.

我说 好 然后它就过来了 坐下来

And he just waits for me to feed him.


And it was beautiful. And I was like-- because you get so worked up, and then this happens.

真的太美了 我当时觉得 因为你做好了充分的准备 结果却完全没想到

And she's-- the primatologist says, I've never seen him act this way.

灵长类动物学家说 我从来没见过它这个样子

And I said oh, so what you're saying is I am a man and a halg, and I--

我说 哦 你的意思是我是半人半猿 我

she's like, no, probably because you're really in tune with your emotions and you're sensitive.

她说 不 可能是因为你跟它的情感很一致 而且你很感性

I was like OK, but it was just such a beautiful moment.

我说 好吧 不过那一刻真的好美

And I know you experienced this and understand is that in this moment you realize just how powerful,

我知道你经历过这些 你明白那一刻这些动物们有多震撼

but yet how soft and gentle these animals are and can obviously feel energetically what we're giving these animals.

但又多么柔软和温和 而且它们明显能快速感应到我们会对它们做什么

So it was really beautiful. You have a effect on people and animals.

真的很美 你对人和动物都能产生影响

That's what you do. OK, That's how great you are.

这就是你 好 你就是这么厉害

重点单词   查看全部解释    
gorilla [gə'rilə]


n. 大猩猩

outstanding [aut'stændiŋ]


adj. 突出的,显著的,未支付的

spectacular [spek'tækjulə]


adj. 壮观的,令人惊叹的
n. 惊人之举,

gentle ['dʒentl]


adj. 温和的,轻柔的,文雅的,温顺的,出身名门的

aggressive [ə'gresiv]


adj. 侵略的,有进取心的,好斗的

experienced [iks'piəriənst]


adj. 有经验的

rampage ['ræm.peidʒ]


v. 狂暴地乱冲 n. 暴怒,狂暴行为

extraordinary [iks'trɔ:dnri]


adj. 非凡的,特别的,特派的

population [.pɔpju'leiʃən]


n. 人口 ,(全体)居民,人数

fascinating ['fæsineitiŋ]


adj. 迷人的





