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第1315期:南北暑热大不同, 三伏天准备好了吗?

来源:可可英语 编辑:Villa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Dialogue :

Weather, north and south

dialogue 1

Jingjing: Mark, you look like you're ______for ______.

Mark: Yeah, I felt kind of ______ about it on the subway. No one else was ______.

Jingjing: Didn't you look at the ______?

Mark: I ______ And, yeah, I forgot to ______ it.

Jingjing: Do you need to ______?

Mark: No, I have a ______ with me. It ______ my !______ ______ on the way to your building.

Jingjing: The temperature has ______ a lot these few weeks.

Mark: Don't I ______. Isn't it supposed to be ______? I thought it'd be ______ all the time.

Jingjing: This is the ______. So, it won't always be ______. ______ a week or so from ______, we'll probably have ______ hot days.

Mark: I wish I could ______ to Qingdao. But I have to ______ almost every day.

Jingjing: ______ here. At least the ______ and evenings are ______.

Mark: Right. I haven't had to ______ to sleep. I hear some of my ______ theirs, though.

Jingjing: You're ______you don't ______ in southern China.

Mark: Why is that? From ______ there, I got a ______.

Jingjing: Yeah, but the heat really ______. It's almost as hot ______ as it is ______ the day. There's just ______ ______ from that.

Mark: Ooh, I wouldn't like that ______. Two things keep me ______ sleeping: ______.

Jingjing: Southern China has ______ too.

dialogue 2

Jingjing: Mark, what are ______ like where you lived back in ______?

Mark: Summer days are ______, actually—but they just had ______ last week. ______ were ______.

Jingjing: That's ______. I guess temperatures are ______ in places that were usually ______. Remember those ______ we talked about?

Mark: I remember. You think they're______ to find a ______place to live?

Jingjing: That could be ______. But the experts didn't say ______.

Mark: Back to weather in the ______: you know ______ about it ______, because you ______ there.

Jingjing: I know ______ about ______ heat. A few cities have ______ like China's ______ or ______.

Mark: Temperatures don't get______, do they?

Jingjing: You're looking at a ______ from ______ most days. It's the______. That ______ in all the ______ and makes sure you ______.

Mark: Jeez, it'd be like ______.

Jingjing: That's exactly what ______.

Mark: When is it ______? I mean, when does ______?

Jingjing: There's not really as ______ of an ______. More trees ______ year round.

Mark: Aw, I always look forward to ______. That's ______ of having ______ a long summer.

Jingjing: Some do, like ginkgo trees—______ in northern China.

Mark: Spring is ______ though, isn't it?

Jingjing: I think so. Beijing has lots of ______—but southern ______ just have more ______, everywhere.

new words and phrases

take something with a grain of salt:


dog days of summer:

something gets to you:

heat wave:

off the charts:

a big part of something:

green spaces:

重点单词   查看全部解释    
dainty ['deinti]


n. 适口的食物 adj. 优美的,讲究的,适口的

temperature ['tempritʃə(r)]


n. 温度,气温,体温,发烧

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,





