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第447期:深海采矿是好是坏?Deep-sea mining: Good or bad for the planet?

来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Hello. This is 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English. I’m Neil.

大家好。这里是 BBC 学习英语栏目的六分钟英语。我是内尔。

And I’m Sam. Here at Six Minute English, we often discuss the new inventions and ideas scientists dream up to fight climate change – technologies like geo-engineering which could reduce global warming by reflecting sunlight back into space.


Often these ideas are controversial because scientists disagree over whether the technology is possible, and whether, in some cases, it could do more harm than good.


In this programme, we’ll be finding out about a new idea to collect lumps of precious metals, called nodules, from the bottom of the ocean.


The idea, known as deep-sea mining, could provide the metals like copper, nickel and cobalt which are needed for the green technology used in electric car batteries and other renewable energy.


But could deep-sea mining actually damage delicate ocean ecosystems as well?


We’ll be hearing from two experts and learning some new vocabulary soon, but first I have a question for you, Sam.


Mammals like dolphins and whales represent a tiny amount of all marine biodiversity - the thousands of animal species living in the sea. Even all the different types of fish combined make up less than 3% of all living things in the ocean.


So, according to recent estimates by Unesco oceanographers, how many different marine species have their home in the ocean? Is it: a) 70,000? b) 170,000? c) 700,000?

那么,根据联合国教科文组织海洋学家最近的估计,海洋中有多少不同的物种呢? a) 70,000? b) 170,000? c) 700,000?

I’ll guess there are around 170,000 animal species living in the sea. OK, Sam, I’ll reveal the answer at the end of the programme.


Deep-sea mining is supported by some scientists because it could provide the raw materials, especially metals, needed to power electric cars.


Amongst them is, Bramley Murton, a professor of marine biology at Southampton’s National Oceanographic Centre. Here he outlines the problem to BBC World Service’s, Science in Action.


As in so many things in life, there's a real kind of paradox or a conundrum. The global grid capacity by 2050 will have to increase by three times. Electrical car ownership is set to increase by a factor of 25. Solar and wind generation is going to grow by a factor of a hundred.


All of these things which we need to do to decarbonise are going to require raw materials and metals in particular. So, as a society we’re faced with this conundrum. We need to decarbonise.


Professor Murton describes the situation using two words. Firstly, he calls it a conundrum – a problem that is very difficult to solve.


He also calls it a paradox – a situation that seems impossible because it contains two opposite ideas. Deep-sea mining could damage the ocean, but paradoxically it might provide rare metals needed to decarbonise the planet.


At the heart of the problem is that, in the future, green activities like driving electric cars and using solar power is going to increase by a factor of a hundred. If something increases by a factor of a certain number, it becomes multiplied that many times.

问题的核心是,在未来,像驾驶电动汽车和使用太阳能这样的绿色活动将会增加至一百倍。“to increase by a factor of a certain number”这个短语的意思是“增加至某倍”。

But another marine biologist, Helen Scales, isn’t convinced. Here she explains her doubts to BBC World Service’s, Science in Action.


My concern at this point is that deep-sea mining and deep-sea nodules in particular are being seen as a silver bullet to solve the climate crisis, and in such a way as well that I think, that we can hopefully rely on life carrying on pretty much as normal.


My concern is that it really will be opening a door to something much more than those tests – it’s leading down a rather slippery slope I think, towards this getting permission for deep-sea mining to be open on a commercial scale.


Helen worries that deep-sea mining will be seen as a silver bullet to the climate crisis – a simple and instant solution to a complicated problem.


She thinks the tests which have been permitted to assess the difficulty of mining underwater could open the door to mining on a large scale which would damage fragile marine eco-systems beyond repair.


If you open the door to something, you allow something new to start, or make it possible.

“to open the door to something”,意思是允许新的事情开始,或者让它成为可能。

Helen thinks starting deep-sea mining leads down a slippery slope – asituation or habit that is difficult to stop and is likely to get worse and worse.


And that could spell the end for thousands of marine animal and plant species.


Yes, our oceans need protection as much as our land and skies - which reminds me of my question, Sam.


Yes, you asked how many different marine species live in the ocean and I guessed it was b) 170,000.

对,你问海洋中有多少物种,我猜是b) 17万种。

Which was the wrong answer, I’m afraid!


There are estimated to be around 700,000 marine species, only about 226,000 of which have been identified so far.


OK, let’s recap the vocabulary we’ve learned from the programme, starting with conundrum – a problem that’s very difficult to fix.


A paradox describes a situation that seems impossible because it contains two opposite ideas.

“ paradox”描述了一种似乎不可能成功的情况,因为它包含了两个相反的方面。

If something grows by a factor of ten, it becomes multiplied ten times.

“to grow by a factor of ten”,就是说增长到了原来的10倍。

The term, a silver bullet, means a simple solution to a complicated problem - often a solution that doesn’t actually exist.

“a silver bullet”指的是应对复杂问题的简单方法——通常是指实际不可行的方法。

A slippery slope is a situation or course of action that is difficult to stop and is likely to get worse and worse.

“A slippery slope”是指一种难以停止的情况或行动,而且情况可能会变得越来越糟。

And finally, the idiom to open the door to something means to allow something new to start or to make it possible.

最后,“to open the door to something”这个俚语的意思是允许新的事情开始或使之成为可能。

Once again, our six minutes are up. Bye for now! Goodbye!


重点单词   查看全部解释    
permission [pə'miʃən]


n. 同意,许可,允许

factor ['fæktə]


n. 因素,因子
vt. 把 ... 因素包括

convinced [kən'vinst]


adj. 信服的

conundrum [kə'nʌndrəm]


n. 谜语,难题

global ['gləubəl]


adj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的

disagree [.disə'gri:]


v. 不一致,有分歧,不适应,不适宜

planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

solution [sə'lu:ʃən]


n. 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液

complicated ['kɔmplikeitid]


adj. 复杂的,难懂的

scale [skeil]


n. 鳞,刻度,衡量,数值范围
v. 依比例决





