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科幻魔幻:《暮光之城Ⅲ月食》The Twilight Saga Ⅲ Eclipse


暮光之城Ⅲ月食(The Twilight Saga Ⅲ Eclipse)简介:
The third episode of Meyer’s vampire-romance series finds heroine Bella Swan anxious to become a vampire and live forever with handsome vampire Edward. Obstacles arise when Edward demands marriage and werewolf Jacob declares his love for Bella. Eventually, the Cullen vampires and the Quileute werewolves unite to face off against a pack of uncontrollable vampires seeking revenge on Bella. Kadushin portrays kindly Edward in soft, warm tones and voices teenager Jacob in more brash, edgy speech patterns. She captures Bella’s uncertainty as she wavers between her love for Edward and her intrigue with Jacob. Kadushin’s performance is particularly stellar in passages where Bella is cold and her words come out in a chattering fashion or when she is upset, causing her to sob and hiccup. Matt Weathers reads the epilogue, which indicates a follow-up title is likely, news that should please fans of the popular series.   即将中学毕业的贝拉陷入两难的境地:她要在爱德华和雅各布中选择一个恋人,而这个选择极有可能引发卡伦家族和狼人族群之间的一场血腥战争……热血沸腾的贝拉宁愿选择死亡以便与爱德华长相厮守,但是在他们结婚之前,爱德华不允许她这样做。另一方面,雅各布的介入让他们两人的感情亮起红灯,贝拉在探望受伤的雅各布时,雅各布竞将她带到自己家中,乘机向她表白爱意,并不顾她的意愿强吻了她。这被逼的一吻深印在贝拉心中,对于雅各布的感情,贝拉已经理不清了。

上传时间:2012-05-30 13:45:01 | 下载次数:0 | 文件大小: 1309 KB

关键字: 科幻
