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[00:00.00]Conversation One
[00:02.39]W: Hi, Mike, do you have a minute to spare?
[00:05.78]M: Yes, Sherry, how can I help you?
[00:07.86]W: Well, I have been getting music noises coming from your apartment
[00:11.91]and it seems like it is always during 9 p.m. to 12 a.m.
[00:15.95]when I am trying to study.
[00:17.60]Is it possible to tune down
[00:20.00]and contain the noise to your apartment then?
[00:22.63]M: Oh, I'm so sorry about that.
[00:25.59]I hadn't been back to my apartment for two weeks
[00:28.53]and in fact, I just got back today.
[00:30.83]It must be my new roommate then.
[00:33.02]W: I realize that.
[00:34.44]Could you have a word with him
[00:36.52]and get him to lower the volume
[00:38.05]because it is disturbing during the night?
[00:40.24]It's just, how it is around this time of the year
[00:43.52]with midterms and everything.
[00:44.94]M: Oh, no problem,
[00:46.47]and I tell you what I won't even mention
[00:48.99]that it was you who complained.
[00:50.85]W: Well, Mike, I appreciate it but
[00:52.92]I'm afraid that this is not the only issue I want to bring up.
[00:56.43]Your new roommate is also taking up
[00:58.94]two parking spaces in the parking lot.
[01:00.91]M: Really, I didn't know that!
[01:03.32]That's selfish of him.
[01:05.50]Well, Sherry, not to worry.
[01:08.02]You bet I will give him a piece of my mind tonight.
[01:10.97]W: All right, I hope you can settle all of this soon.
[01:14.36]Sorry to give you all this bad news now.
[01:16.44]M: Oh, don't worry, Sherry,
[01:18.96]this will be all settled without a hitch.
[01:21.03]Questions 1 to 3 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
[01:27.60]1. What does the woman think of the roommate's music?
[01:48.63]2. What is Mike's real trouble?
[02:05.81]3. What can be inferred about the man and his roommate?
[02:27.13]Conversation Two
[02:30.74]M: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to our program.
[02:35.54]Let me introduce this week's panel.
[02:38.28]Mrs. Perkins, a housewife and mother of three.
[02:42.22]Miss Lessing, a law student.
[02:44.40]Police Constable Hardwick,
[02:46.49]and last but not least John Henderson, a 16-year-old schoolboy.
[02:50.97]The question for the panel this evening is,
[02:53.81]er...smoking should be banned in all public places,
[02:57.75]including the street.
[02:59.17]Does the panel agree?
[03:00.70]Mrs. Perkins, can we have your opinion first?
[03:03.88]W: Yes, er...
[03:05.19]I quite agree that smoking should be banned in all public places.
[03:09.89]I don't smoke myself and cigarette smoking bothers me.
[03:13.61]I think it bothers most non-smokers.
[03:16.35]M: Constable Hardwick, what do you think?
[03:19.08]W: I agree entirely that smoking should be banned
[03:22.58]in all public places that are enclosed,
[03:25.64] offices, shops, clubs, etc.,
[03:29.25]but I don't think it should be banned in the street.
[03:32.43]I mean, in the street it doesn't harm anyone but the smoker himself.
[03:37.13]And er...that's the smoker's business.
[03:39.86]M: Miss Lessing?
[03:41.72]W: I don't agree at all.
[03:43.90]I don't think it helps to ban things.
[03:46.75]If you ban smoking in all public places,
[03:50.04]more people will want to do it.
[03:52.33]People always want to do things that they are not allowed to.
[03:56.48]M: And now, can we have your opinion, John?
[03:59.99]M: I think tobacco smoking should be banned
[04:02.83]altogether in public and private places.
[04:06.44]In the first place, it's a dirty habit.
[04:09.39]In the second place, it's dangerous to your health.
[04:12.78]M: Thank you very much, John.
[04:15.08]Questions 4 to 7 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
[04:23.89]4.What is the topic for the panel discussion this evening?
[04:44.29]5.What is Mr. Hardwick's attitude
[04:47.91]towards the idea of banning smoking?
[05:06.05]6.Why doesn't Miss Lessing support
[05:09.88]the idea of banning smoking in all public places?
[05:28.98]7. What can you conclude from the panel discussion?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
conclude [kən'klu:d]


vi. 总结,作出决定
vt. 使结束,推断出

settle ['setl]


v. 安顿,解决,定居
n. 有背的长凳

contain [kən'tein]


vt. 包含,容纳,克制,抑制
vi. 自制

appreciate [ə'pri:ʃieit]


vt. 欣赏,感激,赏识
vt. 领会,充分意

settled ['setld]


adj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle

spare [spɛə]


adj. 多余的,闲置的,备用的,简陋的

disturbing [di'stə:biŋ]


adj. 烦扰的;令人不安的 v. 干扰;打断(dist

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话



adj. 被附上的;与世隔绝的 v. 附上(enclos

issue ['iʃju:]


n. 发行物,期刊号,争论点
vi. & vt





