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许国璋英语上册 第16课(b)

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lesson 16b
What do you see in the park on Saturday?
We see hundreds and hundreds of people in the park on Saturday.
What's going on under a huge pine tree?
A group of boys and girls are playing games.
What do you see nearby?
Nearby,two old men are paying chess.
Who are sitting near a flower garden?
Two white-haired grannies are sitting near the flower garden
Are there any children and students around?
Yes,there are.Some grandchildren are playing on the grass
and some students are singing and dancing.
Yes,there are.Some grandchildren are playing on the grass
and some students are singing and dancing.
Do people enjoy the park?
Yes,they have a good time after a week of work and study.
-Hello,you're going to town,aren't you?
-Yes, we're going to see an exhibition.
What about you?
-We're going to the park.
-It's a fine day for an outing,isn't it?
Are you going to be there all day?
-No,some of us are going to a concert in the afternoon.
-Well,I'm sure you'll have a good time.
Oh,there comes the bus.Let's get ready.
Note to the dialogue
Hello,you're going to town,aren't you?
It's a fine day for an outing,isn't it?
What about you?
What about...?
What about her?What about me?
What about them?
What about the plan?
What about tomorrow's meeting?
What about a cup of coffee now?
What about the match?
What about this box?
We can't carry it all the time.
We are going to the park.
Some of us are going to a concert in the afternoon.
go to a concert
go to a party
go to the theatre
go to a meeting
go to a dance
I'm sure you'll have a good time.
you'll=you will
I'm sure
I'm sure you'll make it.
make it
Are you sure he is coming?
Oh,there comes the bus.
Let's get ready.
get ready
get ready for...
The children are getting ready for bed.
Please get ready for dictation.
You often play chess,don't you?
She likes singing,doesn't she?
She isn't a doctor,is she?
Mary doesn't know Chinese,does she?
You have a computer,haven't you?
You have a computer,don't you?
He hasn't a car,has he?
He hasn't a car,does he?
You have breakfast at 7,don't you?
They are having a good time,aren't they?
He doesn't smoke,does he?
It is going to rain,isn't it?
You are from New York,aren't you?
Yes,I am.
No,I'm not.I'm from London.
You don't know her,do you?
No,I don't.
Yes,I do.
They are going by boat.
They are going by boat,aren't they?
Life at college is very interesting.
Computers play an important part in modern life.
Computers play an important part in modern life,don't they?
It doesn't rain very often here in spring.
It doesn't rain very often here in spring,does it?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
exhibition [.eksi'biʃən]


n. 展示,展览

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

concert ['kɔnsət]


n. 音乐会,一致,和谐
vt. 制定计划,通

outing ['autiŋ]


n. 郊游,远足,外出

pine [pain]


n. 松树,松木
vi. 消瘦,憔悴,渴望


关键字: 许国璋 英语 上册




