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Lesson 45 1.Look,read and say
a child some children
a Young Pioneer some Young Pioneers
a man some men
a woman some women
3.Read and say
A:Look!There are many kites in the sky.
B:Yes.How many kites are there?
A:Let me count them.One,two,three,four,five...,fifteen.
B:No,I think there are thirteen kites.
There are two birds in the sky,too.
A:Yes,I see them.
Lesson 46 1.Read and say
Look at the picture.
There is a boat on the river.
There is a house near the river.
Near the house there is a big tree.
In the tree there is a bird.
Is there a cat in the tree?
No,but there is one under the tree.
Is there a dog in the picture?
Yes,there is.Where is it?
Lesson 48 1.Listen,read and say
no go so old
home those rose
box fox not dog
pot clock sorry
fine five four family
face floor friend
very seven have love
glove over eleven
thin think thank three
thirteen thirty tenth
this that these those

there father mother
3.Listen,read and say
A:Where's my little cat?
B:There isn't any cat here,Joy.You can ask Tom there.
A:Tom,where's my little cat?
C:There aren't any cats here,but there's a little dog.
Please go and ask Peter.
A:Peter,where's my little cat?
D:There's no cat here,but there is a little sheep.Ask Lucy,please.
A:Lucy,where's my little cat?
E:There is a little cat here.
E:It's behind the door.
A:Yes,that's my cat.Come on,Kitty!
5 Listen,read and chant
In a dark,dark wooods there's a dark,dark house.
In the dark,dark house,there's a dark,dark room.
In the dark,dark room,there's a dark,dark cupboard.
In the dark,dark cupboard,there's a dark,dark shelf.
On the dark,dark shelf,there's a dark,dark box.
In the dark,dark box,there's a small black dog.
Words and expressions in each unit
Unit 12
how many kite young pioneer
多少 n.风筝 adj.年轻的;幼小的 n.先锋
Young Pioneer men women only
少先队员 n.(man的复数形式) n.(woman的复数形式) adv.仅仅;只
work at work sky count
n.工作 在工作 n.天空 v.数点数
river dog light any
n.江.河 n.狗 n.灯 adj.什么;一些;任何的
animal people little
n.动物 n.人;人们 adj.& adv.小的;一点儿;稍许
sheep come on
n.绵羊 来吧;跟着来;赶快




