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牛津小学英语三年级:Unit 3 People I like

来源:听力教室 编辑:Ookamie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Unit 3 People I like
Say and act
A new friend
Hi,I'm Ben.Hi,I'm Mark.How old are you?I'm ten.
I'm ten too.Who's she?She's my sister.
Her name's Kitty.She's eight.Kitty,this is Mark.
Hi,Mark.Hi,Kitty.This is Alice.
She's my friend.She's eight,too.
Hi,Alice. Hi.This is Sam.He's my dog.
He's two.
Look and say
Hi,Mum.How are you?I'm fine,thank you.
I have two new friends Ben and Kitty.
Ben is tall and thin.How old is Ben?He's ten.
How old is Kitty?She's eight.Is Kitty tall?
No.She's small.Ben has dog.He's two.
He's black and white.What's his name?Sam
Now listen
Read and act a story
Little Lucy
Take this to Grandama,Little Lucy.
Yes,Mother.Who's that?Little Lucy.
Hello,Little Lucy.Grandma!Your ears are big!
Yes,Little Lucy.Grandma!Your eyes are big!
Yes,Little Lucy.Grandma!Your teeth are big!
Yes,Little Lucy.Come here,Little Lucy.
Father.It's a wolf!Go away!
Where's Grandma?I don't know.Here she is.Grandma!
Are you all right?I'm fine thank you.
Go to bed,Grandma.Thank you,Little Lucy.
Point,ask and answer
Who are they?
S1:Who's this?S2:This is ...?
Learn the sound
O The robot has a cold nose.
Say and act
Toys we like.May I come in?Come in,please.
Hi,Kitty,What's in your hand?Oh,my beautiful doll.
I like dolls.Do you like dolls?No,we don't like dolls
What do you like?
We like bears.Look!They are super!

关键字: 牛津 小学 英语 三年级




