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北京小学英语三年级 Lesson7:你能唱英语歌吗

来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Mary:Can you sing English songs?
Wang Ming:No,I can't But I can sing Chinese songs.
Mary:Great!I like Chinese songs very much.Sing one,please.
Wang Ming:All right.
Mary:Can you sing English songs?
Wang Ming:No,I can't But I can sing Chinese songs.
Mary:Great!I like Chinese songs very much.
Sing one,please.Wang Ming:All right.
Mary:Can you sing English songs?
Wang Ming:No,I can't. But I can sing Chinese songs.
Mary:Great!I like Chinese songs very much.
Sing one,please. Wang Ming:All right.
Mary:Can you sing English songs?
Wang Ming:No,I can't But I can sing Chinese songs.
Mary:Great!I like Chinese songs very much.
Sing one,please. Wang Ming:All right.
New words
song Chinese great all right
Look and say
1.1)dance 2)draw 3)swim 4)skate 5)skip rope 6)play football
7)play basketball 8)play chess 9)play cards
10)play the piano 11)fly a kite 12)use a computer
2)Example A: Can you sing? Yes,I can.
Can you sing? No,I can't.
Example B: What can you do? I can dance.
What can you do? I can dance.
Example C:Can you play football? Yes,I can.But I can't play very well.
Example D:Can you play chess? No,I can't.But I can play cards.
Xiao Ning:Can you play chess? Xiao Long: No,I can't.
Xiao Ning:Can you play cards? Xiao Long:No,I can't.
Xiao Ning:What can you do then? Xiao Long:I can play the piano.
Xiao Ning:Can you play chess? Xiao Long:No,I can't.
Xiao Ning:Can you play cards? Xiao Long: No,I can't.
Xiao Ning:What can you do then? Xiao Long:I can play the piano.
Xiao Ning:Can you play chess? Xiao Long:No,I can't.
Xiao Ning:Can you play cards? Xiao Long:No,I can't.
Xiao Ning:What can you do then? Xiao Long:I can play the piano.
Xiao Fang:Xiao Lan, can your father speak English?
Xiao Lan:Of course,he can.He's a teacher of English.
Xiao Fang:Xiao Lan, can your father speak English?
Xiao Lan:Of course,he can.He's a teacher of English.
Xiao Fang:Xiao Lan, can your father speak English?
Xiao Lan:Of course,he can.He's a teacher of English.
New words speak of course
Read aloud
1.oi:toilet boil coin join noise voice
oy:boy toy joy soy ploy enjoy thank thin thick thirty birthday this that
then they there brother
3.this boy a noisy boy
that toy a noisy toy
4.toy a noisy toy The boy enjoys a noisy toy.
Test yourself
1.Listen and circle
1)boy 2)coin 3)sail 4)join 5)ball 6)noise
2.listen and choose
1)Can you play baseball,Mark?
No,I can't.But I can play football.
(A)I can play baseball. (B)Mark can play baseball. (C)Mark can't play baseball.
2)Can Su Mei swim? Yes,she can.But she can't swim very well.
(A)Su Mei can swim. (B)Su Mei can't swim. (C)Su Mei can swim very well.
3)Can you fly a kite, Peter? No,I can't.
what can you do? I can skip rope
(A)Peter can't swim very well. (B)Peter can't skip rope. (C)Peter can skip rope.
4)Have you got a computer,Xiao Dong? Yes.
Can you use it very well? No,I'm learning.
(A)Xiao Dong doesn't have a computer.(B)Xiao Dong can use a computer very well.
(C)Xiao Dong can't use a computer very well

重点单词   查看全部解释    
baseball ['beis.bɔ:l]


n. 棒球

ploy [plɔi]


n. 花招,手段

fang [fæŋ]


n. 尖牙

skip [skip]


v. 跳过,略过,遗漏
n. 跳跃,跳读





