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来源:可可英语 编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Mike likes to bring _______ to the beach.

a) a good book

b) a cooler full of drinks

2) Mikes car got _______ on the beach

a) broken into

b) stuck in the sand

3) Mike had to wait until 6 A.M. for _______.

a) a tow truck with a long line

b) the police to arrive


Topic:Are you a beach bum?

Hi, my name is Mike, from Canada, and this is for The question is: "Are you a beach bum?". Immediately I would have to answer no, I'm not a beach bum, but I do love the beach. Summer is my favorite season of the year, because it has nice enough weather to go to the beach. Go to the beach, bring a cooler full of drinks, some music, some food, and you're set for the day. One story I have about the beach unfortunately is, I like to drive my car onto the beach, to get the best view possible. And one night with my friends, drove the car next to the water, got stuck, ended up having to call the tow truck. That tow truck came onto the beach, got stuck itself, had to be pulled out and I had to wait 'til 6 o'clock in the morning until the one tow truck in the city that had a long enough line could pull me out. That was one unfortunate beach experience, but aside from that I can say I do love the beach.


b b a

关键字: 英语 爱说




