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旧金山市反"科技怪杰"移民示威 高学历移民应受欢迎

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Tom Perkins, the Silicon Valley venture capitalist, made a terrible mistake by comparing criticism of rich Americans – the “1 per cent” – to the Kristallnacht attack on Jews in Germany in 1938. Mr Perkins, co-founder of Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers, has since apologised.

美国硅谷(Silicon Valley)风险投资家汤姆•珀金斯(Tom Perkins)犯了一个严重的错误,他竟将人们对美国富豪(也就是那“1%”)的批评,与1938年德国“碎玻璃之夜”(Kristallnacht)那场对犹太人的袭击相提并论。后来,这位KPCB公司(Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers)的联合创始人,就此作出了道歉。
He ought not to eulogise millionaires, let alone invoke the Nazis, but to focus on those who deserve a defence: employees of Google and other technology companies who commute to Silicon Valley on company buses from the city of San Francisco. His outburst was partly prompted by demonstrations in the city against the “technogeek” migrants.
Pete Seeger, the singer who died this week, was a fervent supporter of California’s migrant workers – he met Woody Guthrie at a “Grapes of Wrath”[??] benefit concert in 1940. But today’s migrants are more likely to have degrees than to pick crops –30 per cent of immigrants to advanced economies between 2000 and 2010 had tertiary qualifications.
美国歌手皮特•西格(Pete Seeger,今年1月27日去世)曾是加利福尼亚州外来工作移民的狂热支持者。1940年,西格在“愤怒的葡萄”(Grapes of Wrath)慈善音乐会上结识了伍迪•格思里(Woody Guthrie)。不过,今天的移民更有可能拥有较高的学历,而不是只会采摘作物。2000年到2010年,移居发达经济体的人中,有30%拥有高等教育学历。
What Mr Perkins should have said in support of the world’s educated migrants is this. Yes, they may raise property prices in cities such as London, San Francisco and Berlin, and change the culture in ways that upset some “long-time residents” in whose name the bus protests are held. But they bring many more benefits than costs.
Most of the bus-riders are not millionaires, although they are ambitious. Many come from other parts of the US or overseas – 64 per cent of Silicon Valley engineers are foreign-born – because IT offers economic opportunity. In return, they work very hard, start businesses and help the place to flourish. The cities that should worry are the ones they ignore.
“Some cities manage to draw in higher skills and more talent continuously,” says Orly Lobel, a law professor at San Diego university and author of Talent Wants to be Free. “Once you put all of these ingredients together, you get into a virtuous circle of opportunity and innovation.”
“有些城市在不断引入具有较高技能和才华的移民方面取得了成功。”美国圣迭戈大学(San Diego university)法学教授、《有才华的人向往自由》(Talent Wants to be Free)一书的作者奥利•洛贝尔(Orly Lobel)说,“一旦凑齐各种人才,你就进入了机遇和创新的良性循环。”
London is a prime example of a city that draws both immigrants and educated migrants. A report by the Centre for Cities this week found that 35 per cent of London’s jobs are graduate level, and a third of UK residents who relocate in their twenties move to London. This inflow of the young and foreign immigrants more than offsets an outflow of older people.
在吸引移民和高学历外来务工者方面,伦敦为其他城市作出了榜样。智库“城市中心”(Centre for Cities)近日的一份调查报告称,伦敦有35%的工作需要大学学历,三分之一的英国居民在二十几岁时迁往伦敦定居,年轻人和外国移民的流入要多于年长者的流出。
“The influx of people with graduate qualifications means that employers can select from a very deep pool of skills,” says Paul Swinney, a senior economist at the Centre for Cities, who is from northeast England. “Housing is expensive for young people but they have the potential of big returns.”
“有大学学历的人流入这里,意味着雇主们可从极为丰富的技术人才储备里进行选择。”城市中心高级经济学家、老家在英格兰东北部的保罗•斯温尼(Paul Swinney)表示,“对年轻人来说,虽然这里居住成本不菲,但他们有机会获得较高的收入。”
Like other such cities, London is in a constant state of churn and renewal as longer-term residents leave, in search of a gentler life or because they have been priced out. About 1.1m people left New York City for other US states between 2000 and 2010 but the city is growing, thanks to immigration.
This churn lies behind the San Francisco protests. Heart of the City, one protest group, accuses “big tech” of inflating rents by drawing thousands of migrants to the area. “To long-time residents and merchants facing eviction, San Francisco is not a ‘perk’. It is their life, livelihood, family . . . and safety net,” it says indignantly.
这种“搅动”正是旧金山抗议活动背后的原因。抗议组织“城市之心”(Heart of the City)指责“科技业巨头”引来成千上万的外来务工者,导致本地房租上涨。“对那些面临房东逐客令的长期居民和商户来说,旧金山可不是什么额外的福利,而是他们的生活、生计、家庭……以及安全网,”该组织愤怒地表示。
A flow of professional migrants into vibrant cities can be disruptive, especially for those accustomed to low rents and a quiet life. Living in Berlin, for example, is a lot more expensive than it used to be. But it is better than the opposite – the draining effect on cities such as Detroit when people leave.
Furthermore, many of the spillover effects on locals are positive. Those who bought property before prices rose gain from a windfall effect when they sell. Nostalgia for the era before gentrification ignores the fact that inner cities were often blighted. Immigrants can raise educational standards by sending motivated children to local schools.
Above all, skilled migrants boost their host cities by encouraging economic activity and job creation. They attract new employers – as San Francisco found when companies such as Twitter based themselves there rather than in Silicon Valley. Four-fifths of the new UK private sector jobs since 2010 have been created in London.
They are also a wellspring of new companies. One US academic study found that graduate migrants were not only more likely than natives to start businesses but also that they made locals more enterprising. Their presence created a critical mass of innovation.
The number of highly skilled immigrants has increased sharply in this century. About 27m university-educated migrants lived in advanced economies in 2011, according to the OECD, a rise of 70 per cent in a decade. Many of them emigrated from India, China and the Philippines.
On the face of it, the San Francisco demonstrations are about geeks squeezing out locals – a community that Heart of the City romantically describes as “long-time residents, the dispossessed, the disenfranchised, the undocumented, the indigenous, queers, artists, immigrants, refugees, dreamers, and folks of all backgrounds”.
This makes it sound like a contest of rich versus poor. Here is another way to frame it: migrant workers are being told by Californian citizens to go back where they came from. That does not sound quite so idealistic, does it? Nor, for its own good, is it the attitude that a thriving city ought to adopt.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
flourish ['flʌriʃ]


vi. 繁荣,茂盛,活跃,手舞足蹈
vt. 挥

innovation [.inəu'veiʃən]


n. 创新,革新

boost [bu:st]


vt. 推进,提高,增加
n. 推进,增加

benefit ['benifit]


n. 利益,津贴,保险金,义卖,义演

idealistic [ai,diə'listik,-kəl]


adj. 唯心论的;唯心主义者的;理想主义的;空想家的

frame [freim]


n. 框,结构,骨架
v. 构成,把 ...

ambitious [æm'biʃəs]


adj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,野心勃勃的

presence ['prezns]


n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度

blighted ['blaitid]


adj. 枯萎的;摧残的 v. 使染上枯萎病;毁坏(bl

nostalgia [nɔs'tældʒiə]


n. 乡愁,向往过去,怀旧之情


关键字: 移民 高学历 双语




