A woman has reportedly asked to divorce her husband of six years because he doesn’t share her love of the movie Frozen.
An unnamed 31-year-old man wrote on the Japanese marriage advice forum Kikonsha no Hakaba (”The Gravesite of Married People”) that his wife has recently become obsessed with the Disney hit and made him watch it, according to Rocket News 24.
据Rocket News 24网站报道,一位31岁男子在日本婚姻咨询论坛Kikonsha no Hakaba(中文意思是“已婚人士的墓地”)上匿名写道,他的妻子最近对迪士尼热映动画片《冰雪奇缘》十分着迷,还强迫自己也看。
“It’s an okay movie, I guess, but I didn’t really care for it personally,” the man told his wife.
“Do you really think it’s that good?”
“你真的认为它只是‘还行’ 吗?”
“If you can’t understand what makes this movie great, there’s something wrong with you as a human being!” she responded.
“如果你不能理解这部电影的伟大所在,那么你作为一个人是有问题的。” 妻子回应道。
The man claims there were no preexisting issues in the marriage, with the couple apparently living comfortably, child free, and without financial worries.
He said his wife has since moved in with her parents and refuses to speak to him.