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More than 350,000 gamers from across Europe (and some from North America and Asia) have made the annual pilgrimage to the quaint German city of Cologne, which has a population of just over 1 million. Activision used the convention to debut its multiplayer gameplay for Sledgehammer Games’ Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, allowing attendees hands-on access to the November 3 release.

超过35万的欧洲玩家(还有一些北美和亚洲玩家)带着朝圣般的心情,赶赴人口刚过100万的德国科隆市,参加一年一度的游戏盛会。美国动视(Activision)在展览中首次公布了Sledgehammer Games工作室的多人游戏《使命召唤:高级战争》(Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare),现场玩家亲身体验了这款将于11月3日正式发布的游戏。


The global battle for the living room continued in Germany with Sony announcing it 2has sold 10 million PlayStation 4s worldwide. To keep that momentum going, Sony announced a number of exclusive new titles at the show, including the action game Hellblade from developer Ninja Theory, the open world adventure game Wild from Rayman creator Michel Ancel, the shooter Alienation from Housemarque, and Q Games genre-bending The Tomorrow Children. Microsoft announced that Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics Rise of the Tomb Raider, the second game in the rebooted Lara Croft franchise, will be an Xbox exclusive in 2015. Xbox will also be getting another big sequel next year with Halo 5: Guardians.

索尼(Sony)宣布,其游戏主机Playstation 4s已经在全球售出超过1,000万台,这预示着对玩家客厅的争夺战今年将继续上演。为了维持增长态势,索尼在展会上发布了一系列独家游戏,包括Ninja Theory开发的动作游戏《地狱之刃》(Hellblade),《雷曼》(Rayman)制作商Michel Ancel开发的开放世界式冒险游戏《荒野》(Wild),Housemarque开发的射击类游戏《异化》(Alienation)以及Q版游戏《明日之子》(The Tomorrow Children)。微软则发布了由Square Enix和Crystal Dynamics制作的《古墓丽影:崛起》(Rise of the Tomb Raider),这是劳拉o克罗夫系列重新启动后的第二部作品,将在2015年于Xbox平台独家发布。Xbox在2015年还有另外一款游戏大作的续集《光晕5:守护者》(Halo 5: Guardians)。
One of the more unique games announced at Gamescom was Silent Hills, the latest sequel in Konami’s bestselling horror franchise (which has also spawned two films). The world of gaming and movies combine in this new game, which is being developed by Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain creator Hideo Kojima and Pacific Rim director Guillermo del Toro. The game will star The Walking Dead’s Norman Reedus.
而在科隆游戏展上正式宣布的特色作品中,《寂静岭》(Silent Hills)的最新续集赫然在列。这是科乐美(Konami)最为畅销的恐怖题材游戏(还据此改编成了两部电影)。世界级游戏和电影专家,《合金装备5:幻痛》(Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain)的制作者小岛秀夫,以及《环太平洋》(Pacific Rim)的导演吉尔莫o德尔o托罗在这部游戏中强强联手。曾出演美剧《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead)的影星诺曼o瑞杜斯将在游戏中担纲主角。
Here are our top picks for games that debuted at Gamescom 2014.
Life Is Strange
Developer:Dontnod Entertainment, Square Enix
开发商:Dontnod Entertainment、Square Enix
Consoles: Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS4, PC
游戏平台:Xbox One、Xbox 360、PS4、PS3 、PC
Release date: 2015
In some ways, Life Is Strange couldn’t be more different than Dontnod Entertainment’s sci-fi action game Remember Me, but in other ways, the episodic adventure game is similar. Both games use Unreal Engine 3 technology to create beautiful worlds to explore. And both titles also feature a strong female protagonist. Set in Arcadia Bay, Oregon, players take control of teenager Max Caulfield and embark on an adventure that will span five interactive episodes.
从某些方面来看,《生活真奇怪》(Life Is Strange)与Dontnod Entertainment的科幻动作类游戏《勿忘我》(Remember Me)是两款截然不同的游戏,而从另一些方面来看,这两款章节式的冒险游戏十分类似。两款游戏都采用了虚幻3引擎(Unreal Engine 3),打造了美轮美奂的游戏世界供玩家探索。这两款游戏的名字也都有非常具有女性特征的主角。《生活真奇怪》的故事发生于美国俄勒冈州的阿卡迪亚湾,玩家将操纵青年马克斯o考菲尔德,开始一段包含有五个章节互动剧情的冒险。
Along with her friend Chloe, Max is out to uncover the truth behind the mysterious disappearance of fellow student Rachel Amber. With an indie-film feel and an eclectic soundtrack, Life Is Strange stands out from other games by blending the angst of being a teenage girl today with life-and-death situations, and the ability to rewind time. While this gameplay mechanic has been used in many games before, this take on time manipulation feels as unique as the American characters the French developer has created.
Quantum Break
Developer: Remedy Entertainment, Microsoft Studios
开发商:Remedy Entertainment、Microsoft Studios
Consoles: Xbox One
游戏平台:Xbox One
Release date: 2015
Helsinki-based developer Remedy Entertainment has blurred the line between Hollywood and games with previous incarnations Max Payne and Alan Wake. Now the studio is combining next-generation visuals with the tension and drama of scripted television. Set in the university town of Riverport, Quantum Break puts players in control of Jack Joyce and Beth Wilder, a pair of ordinary people who are given the extraordinary power to manipulate time after an accident that creates a time rift. Time will randomly break down during the game, which causes disasters in the environment that pause, stutter, rewind and freeze. Fans of Max Payne’s bullet time will see new strategies emerge with gunfights involving time-amplified combat as the player fights against the Monarch Corporation. In addition to the virtual storyline, the game features custom live action storytelling that’s personalized based on the decisions one makes.
位于芬兰赫尔辛基的开发商Remedy Entertainment通过之前的作品《英雄本色》(Max Payne)和《心灵杀手》(Alan Wake)模糊了好莱坞和游戏之间的界限。如今,这家工作室将次世代的图像技术与紧张气氛和电视剧剧本结合了起来。故事设置在Riverport大学城,玩家将控制杰克o乔伊斯和贝斯o怀尔德。这两人原本是普通人,但在一次导致时间裂缝的意外中,他们获得了操纵时间的超能力。在游戏过程中,时间体系会随时崩溃,导致环境中的时间暂停、断续、倒流和冻结。玩家在游戏中会与帝王联盟(Monarch Corporation)展开对抗,喜欢《英雄本色》中子弹时刻的玩家,可以在放大时间因素的枪战中寻找新的战略。除了虚拟的故事情节,游戏还采用了定制的实景真人叙事模式,根据玩家的不同选择将产生不同的后果。
Developer: Frontier, Microsoft Studios
开发商:Frontier、Microsoft Studios
Consoles: Xbox One, Xbox 360
游戏平台:Xbox One, Xbox 360
Release date: Spring 2015
The developer behind Kinect Disneyland Adventures and Elite: Dangerous is taking the theme park business to the extreme in ScreamRide. The game lets players build outrageous roller coasters, thrill rides and attractions from the ground up and then take them for a test run. The game offers three ways to play: Engineers can construct elaborate rides that test the boundaries of physics and g-forces; Scream Riders get on these rides and experience the thrills and spills first-hand – sometimes resulting in untimely deaths; and Demolition Experts can use any means necessary to tear down an entire amusement park. With classic PC games like Roller Coaster Tycoon now playable on smartphones, this next generation of thrill-ride creator is a welcome interactive experience. It’s always fun to build, ride and destroy roller coasters – and ScreamRide offers plenty of ways to share the thrills with your friends.
为Kinect开发《迪斯尼乐园大冒险》(Disneyland Adventures)和《精英:危险》(Elite: Dangerous)的开发商在ScreamRide中,将主题乐园经营发挥到了极致。玩家可以在游戏中建立夸张的过山车、云霄飞车和其他游乐设施,并进行试运营。游戏有三种玩法:工程师可以建设复杂的飞车,测试物理和重力极限;“尖叫骑手”则乘坐这些飞车,直接体验这种惊险与刺激——这有时会直接导致游戏人物死亡;而拆除专家可以用任何必要手段拆掉整个游乐园。随着《过山车大亨》(Roller Coaster Tycoon)等电脑游戏移植到了智能手机上,这一款次世代的过山车游戏可以让玩家有着时尚的互动体验。建设、体验和拆除过山车总是很有趣的,而ScreamRide则提供了多种方式,让你与朋友们共享这种兴奋之情。
Until Dawn
Developer: Supermassive Games, Sony Computer Entertainment
开发商:Supermassive Games、Sony Computer Entertainment
Consoles: PlayStation 4
游戏平台:PlayStation 4
Release date: 2015
Yelling at the screen to tell the female protagonist not to go downstairs alone at night will no longer be futile. In this interactive horror game, you control all the action. The story, which was crafted by filmmakers Larry Fessenden and Graham Reznick alongside game developers Supermassive Games, traps eight friends in a remote mountain getaway with a psycho on the loose. The game stars a Hollywood cast that includes Brett Dalton (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D), Hayden Panettiere (Nashville) and Rami Malek (Need for Speed). Players will take control of each of the characters as they explore the creepy world and try to survive until dawn. No one is safe from death. And every choice made in the game will result in a different experience. The script was over a thousand pages long, opening up hundreds of different endings for players to explore. The Butterfly Effect technology ensures that no two games will be played the same. The one constant is that the game is scary. Don’t play this one alone or in the dark.
在屏幕前对女主人公大喊“不要在深夜独自下楼”,不再是徒劳无用的了。在这款互动式惊悚游戏中,玩家可以控制游戏人物的行动。游戏的剧情由电影制片人拉里o法森顿和格拉哈姆o雷兹尼克与游戏开发商Supermassive Games精心打造。故事中,八位好友被困在遥远的山区度假村,还有一名不受限制的精神病人。游戏群星云集,其中包含《神盾局特工》(Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D)的演员布雷特o道顿,美剧《纳什维尔》(Nashville)的演员海顿o潘妮蒂尔和《极品飞车》(Need for Speed)的演员拉米o马雷克。玩家将控制各个角色探索这个恐怖的世界,试图在黎明到来时存活下来。没有人是安全的。在游戏中,每一个决定都会导致不同的结果。游戏剧本长达一千余页,拥有数百个不同结局等待玩家发掘。蝴蝶效应使得游戏不会有相同的剧情,而唯一不变的是,这款游戏十分惊悚。不要独自一人或是在深夜里尝试它。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
combine [kəm'bain]


v. 结合,联合,使结合
n. 集团,联合企业

momentum [məu'mentəm]


n. 动力,要素,势头,(物理)动量

quaint [kweint]


adj. 古雅的,离奇有趣的,奇怪的

debut ['debju]


n. 初次登场,首次露面 v. 初次登场

untimely [ʌn'taimli]


adv. & adj. 不合时宜的(地)

alienation [.eiljə'neiʃən]


n. 疏远,离间,让渡,[哲]异化

butterfly ['bʌtəflai]


n. 蝴蝶,蝶状物,蝶泳
vt. (烹饪时把鱼

warfare ['wɔ:fɛə]


n. 战争,冲突

adventure [əd'ventʃə]


n. 冒险,奇遇
vt. 冒险,尝试

mechanic [mi'kænik]


adj. 手工的
n. 技工,机修工





