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Congratulations! You made it through the application process and have been granted an interview. This is your chance to really stand out, to show them that you are the best person for the job. Or better yet, the only person for the job. But what's the best way to really shine at an interview? In the interest of creating a level playing field, Human Resources departments often design a hiring process which can seem a bit limiting. So how does one stand out in a procedure that's designed to look at all of us through the same lens?

The solution may have more to do with your questions than your answers. That's not to say that you're not going to go in prepared to dazzle the interviewer with the perfect reply when they ask what your strengths and weaknesses are. And you'll give an honest and simultaneously self-flattering assessment when they ask why you left your previous position. But what can you do to make a unique impression? In the end, we probably all cough up the same bull when asked if we're a team player. Just remember, while everyone gets asked the same questions, the questions you, the interviewee ask, can be completely original and designed to make you shine. Questions should be open-ended so that they foster further discussion; and of course you should not ask basic information about the company that you could have (should have) researched ahead of time. Your questions should be formulated to do three things; show that you've done your homework, highlight your unique skills and ability, and help you and the perspective employer determine if you're a good fit for each other.

10.Did You Get A Chance To See My Resume? Do You Have Any Questions About It?



Oddly enough, the interviewer or panel of interviewers may or may not have seen all the wonderful information you've provided about yourself. Depending on how large and/or bureaucratic the organization is, the process of deciding which candidates meet the minimum qualifications and can therefore be interviewed, may be completely separate (as in done by different people) than the process of interviewing and selecting the right person for the job. So double-check and make sure that the person/people you're talking to know your story.

If they do, you can use the question to call attention to some of your greatest accomplishments. If they don't, this is your chance to enlighten them. Practice giving a short (two minutes or less) summation of your education and work history, as well as your goals and vision of the future. Highlight the parts that are relevant to the current job, or that show-off your most unique skills and abilities. If they answer that, yes, they've seen your résumé and no, they don't have any questions about it, that's fine. The important thing is that you've made sure they have a context for placing the information they will learn about you in the interview. You've also provided them with an opportunity to inquire into any burning issues which may not have been on the official list of interview questions.

9.Are There Opportunities For Advancement?



As a perspective employee you will definitely want to know whether the company offers opportunities to move up. Pay attention to how you ask the question though. Said the wrong way, it sounds like you are stating that the current position, the one your applying for, is below you. You don't want the employer to think that you are only interested in this job as a way to get your foot in the door (even if that is the case).

Rather, your question should deliver the message that you want to be at this organization for a long time, that you are looking for a company that is a good fit now, and that will still be a good fit for you in the future as you grow and develop. In the end, this question digs into the culture of the organization. Is the person who is interviewing you the person who will be your supervisor? What did they do before they were in this position? Are there examples of people in the leadership who came up through the ranks? To be fair, the answer to this question may be largely determined by the size of the company. Small businesses simply may not have that many different positions to fill or layers in the hierarchy. However, as a business grows, it should look for ways to reward and develop dedicated, capable employees.

8.What Does Your Company Offer As Far As Training?



How deeply invested a company is in training says a lot about them. It will give you an idea of whether they like to cultivate internal talent or would rather spend their money on Head Hunters who recruit from the outside. It will give you insight into the likelihood of learning new skills which could lead to promotions, or the opportunity to change departments once your in the door. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, it is an indicator of how serious they are about being the best in their field.

Asking about opportunities for professional development also tells the perspective employer that you see yourself as a "life long learner," that you are willing and anxious to hone your abilities, develop new skills and take on new things. Don't be afraid to be specific. Ask how much training will be provided initially, as well as how much is offered on an ongoing basis to long-term employees. Is training conducted internally or externally? Is there a budget (how much per employee?) for training? Will you be able to/required to attend regional or national conferences? Is training focused on technical development or also on soft skills? If you've attended trainings in your field that you've found especially useful, feel free to mention them. Every employer wants to hire someone that's willing to learn.

7.How Would You Describe The Workplace Culture?



There are things you'll want to know that you can't really ask. You can't ask if everyone who works there is an uptight workaholic. Nor can you inquire whether or not management and worker bees have a hostile relationship. But you can try to elicit this information by asking about the culture.

Probably the biggest factor that will decide whether or not you like a job is the overall culture of the organization. "Culture" can be hard to get a handle on, as it is a bit intangible. However, asking the interviewer describe the culture might reveal some interesting things. Is there a cut-throat competitive atmosphere? Does the boss bring in donuts every Wednesday? Can you dress casual? Do people keep to their cubicles or mingle with each other? Do many people use the break room? What kind of a vibe do you get from the place? Ask the interviewer(s), what his/her favorite thing about working there is? When I was in school, I once attended an event in which we soon to graduate students were addressed by recruiters from various businesses. Only one employer (a sporting goods company you'll probably recognize) made an impression on me at the time and I still remember it all these years later. It wasn't the pay and benefits, or the company's fantastic campus. It was that the recruiters short, fresh, honest description of the culture made it sound like a fun place to work: "Look, we're about sports. We rise and fall with the human spirit. And we believe in Just Do It! Sometimes that works out and sometimes it gets us into trouble."

6.Can You Tell Me How Employee Performance Is Evaluated?



Knowing how to do a good job means knowing what a good job is. Ask how, how often and by whom your performance will be reviewed. Is there a specific format for evaluating performance or is it up to each supervisor? Is employee assessment based on measurable outcomes? On technical performance? On soft skills?

A well-defined evaluation process tells you that organization has policies and procedures in place to support employees in doing their jobs and improving their skills. If a place is loosey-goosey about conducting evaluations, it sets employees up for substandard performance. Goals should be well defined and employees should know what has to be done to measure up. The schedule and process for evaluation should be standardized throughout the organization. You will also want to know who gets to provide feedback for employee evaluations. Does the supervisor execute the performance review on their own (indicating a hierarchical workplace culture)? Or is there a "360 degree" evaluation process which considers feedback not-only from the employee's supervisor, but also from their co-workers, subordinates, and possibly even their customers. This type of process not only allows for a more complete picture of your performance, it permits employees to participate in improving the entire team. Performance evaluations may be linked to wage increases. Therefore, it's important that evaluations are conducted on a timely manner. Even when no salary increase is possible, regular performance assessments give the employee the opportunity to establish a documented record of their good work. Many organizations no longer allow supervisors to serve as references for former employees. Instead these calls are sent to the Human Resources office. Therefore, having a documented history of your excellent work in your personnel file is essential.
一个定义明确的评估程序能够说明,机构能为他们的员工在工作和提高技能上提供政策和手续的支持。如果一个岗位被随意评估,这会为雇员们绩效不达标埋下隐患。目标需要被明确定义,雇员需要知道必须做什么才能合格。评估的计划表和过程需要在整个机构标准化。你也会想要知道由谁给雇员反馈评估。是检查员自己执行绩效检阅的吗?或者考虑到反馈不仅来自检查员而且还来自他们的同事、下属甚至有可能来自他们的顾客,是否有 "360度"全方位评估过程?这种类型的程序不只是考虑到能让你的绩效更为完备,还能使雇员参与提升整个团队变得可能。绩效评估也可能会和涨工资联系起来。因此,及时评估显得尤为重要。甚至不涨工资时,定期的绩效评估也给了雇员机会去创建一个他们好好工作的文件记录。很多机构都不再允许检查员仅凭前雇员的介绍信就录用新人。而是给人力资源部门打一通电话,调取他的历史档案。因此,在你的个人文件中备有一份出色工作历史文件是至关重要的。

审校:小飞侠 编辑:叫我王二白 来源:前十网

重点单词   查看全部解释    
previous ['pri:vjəs]


adj. 在 ... 之前,先,前,以前的

willing ['wiliŋ]


adj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的

cultivate ['kʌltiveit]


vt. 培养,耕作,栽培,结交(朋友), 促进增长,教养

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

unique [ju:'ni:k]


adj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的

original [ə'ridʒənl]


adj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,

describe [dis'kraib]


vt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成

factor ['fæktə]


n. 因素,因子
vt. 把 ... 因素包括

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机





