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可可英语的网友们大家好。欢迎做客“影音时尚口语”。我们的职场新鲜人系列今天迎来的是电影《时尚女魔头》中的Andy。刚从学校毕业不久她,机缘巧合的进入了一家顶级时装杂志社作总编助手。她自己并知道这份工作是“A million girls would kill for”,每个女孩都向往的。虽然,总编Miranda是一个让手下闻名色变的厉害人物,但单纯的Andy认为,只要认真对待,一切都不成问题。但情况并不如此乐观,听听首席助理Emily在Andy没有按时送到咖啡后,是如何教训她的。

Andrea: Hello?
Emily: Where are you?
Andrea: Oh, I'm almost there. Yeah. Shoot! Oh!
Miranda: Is there some reason that my coffee isn't here?
Has she died or something?
Emily: No. God. Oh. Bloody time.
I hope you know that this is a very difficult job... Mm-hmm.
For which you are totally wrong.
And if you mess up, my head is on the chopping block.
Now, hang that up. Don't just fling it anywhere.
Okay. First of all, you and I answer the phones.
The phone must be answered every single time it rings.
Calls roll to voice mail, and she gets very upset.
If I'm not here... Andrea, Andrea...
you are chained to that desk.
Well, what if I need to...
Emily: What? No. One time an assistant left the desk because she sliced her hand open with a letter opener...and Miranda missed Lagerfeld...just before he boarded a 17-hour flight to Australia.
She now works at TVGuide.
Andrea: Man the desk at all times. Got it.

1. 紧张的Emily在Andy一到达,就对她说,“Bloody time.”常看英文原声电影的网友们对“bloody”的这个词一定很熟悉。在口语中它意为“非常”,但在使用中常常省略掉后面的形容词,直接修饰名词。有非常强的感情色彩。比如,电影中的bloody time. 完整的表达应该是bloody long time,这么长的时间。另外口语中还常用这个词表示“该死的”这样语气比较强烈的意思,例如,I hate the bloody traffic jam. 我恨透了这该死的堵车。

2. 对于Andy不能及时到达Emily反应如此激烈,原因就是:这份工作不单单是难的问题,还会关系到Emily的命运。所以Emily提醒Andy说,if you mess up, my head is on the chopping block. mess up“混乱, 弄糟”。再比如:Don't mess up my clean floor. 别把我的干净地板弄脏了。If you do mess up, admit it and move on. 如果你真的把事情弄糟了,承认,然后继续。再来看chopping block,“断头台”,on the chopping block这里比喻要遭殃的境遇。

3. Emily嘱咐Andy必须做好的第一件事就是接电话。不过,要求是,be answered every single time it rings,每次响都必须接。如果“calls roll to voice mail”,这里用到了roll一词。Roll有很多含义 “滚动,流逝,左右摇摆”等等。但大部分都是速度比较缓慢的运动,比如这句话:She rolled in for work twenty minutes late. 她懒懒散散地来上班,迟到了二十分钟。那么用在本文中可以暗指如果动作缓慢,或者错过了电话,会使得电话被转接到语音信箱。而这样的结果会让Miranda非常恼火。

4. 那么,要能保证每次电话响都能接到,就必须chained to that desk. chain作动词讲,表示“锁住”,这句话和对话最后一句man the desk at all times一样,都表示,someone should always be at that desk. 也就是随时随地都要坐在桌子前。

5. 对于这些要求,Andy的回答是,Got it。在口语中表示“明白了”我们就常用这句话。完整的句子应当是,I have got it. 我已经明白了。如果问别人是否明白了,就可以说 “Have you got it?”

6. Andy顺从的接受了所有的要求,可惜的是,这份工作并不是只要man the desk all times就不会出差。被称为女魔头的总编Miranda在未来的日子里还会给Andy出一系列令她挠头的难题。那么,出了错的Andy会面临什么呢?Andy该怎样重新认识这份工作并调整自己的态度呢?我们下期再说。

Andrea: Hello? 喂?
Emily: Where are you? 你在哪儿?
Andrea: Oh, I'm almost there. Shoot! Oh! 我就快到了。该死!
Miranda: Is there some reason that my coffee isn't here? Has she died or something? 该死!为什么我没看到我的咖啡?她死了还是怎么了?
Emily: No. God. Oh. Bloody time. 没有。天哪。太慢了!
I hope you know that this is a very difficult job... for which you are totally wrong. 我希望你知道这是份艰难的活, 这你就完全错了。
And if you mess up, my head is on the chopping block. 你的失职会送我上断头台的
Now, hang that up. Don't just fling it anywhere. 把那挂起来,别随便乱扔
Okay. First of all, you and I answer the phones. 首先,我和你接听电话
The phone must be answered every single time it rings. 每次响铃都必须接
Calls roll to voice mail, and she gets very upset. 如果转入语音信箱,她会很生气
If I'm not here... Andrea, Andrea... 如果我不在这里,安吉丽雅,安吉丽雅……
you are chained to that desk. 你必须一直呆在桌子旁。
Andrea: Well, what if I need to... 好,但如果我要……
Andrea: What? No.One time an assistant left the desk because she sliced her hand open with a letter opener...and Miranda missed Lagerfeld...just before he boarded a 17-hour flight to Australia.
She now works at TVGuide. 什么?不行! 上次的一个女助理手被开信刀划伤,离开了桌子,这导致马琳达错过了与拉格费尔德的会面。恰好接着拉格费尔德又去了澳大利亚。现在,那个倒霉蛋在干电视导购。
Andrea: Man the desk at all times. Got it. 随时坚守岗位,知道了。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
upset [ʌp'set]


adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的
v. 推翻,

block [blɔk]


n. 街区,木块,石块
n. 阻塞(物), 障

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

flight [flait]


n. 飞行,航班
n. 奇思妙想,一段楼






