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  • 可可词汇课堂第280期:豁免权

    communism common共同的 【根】mun=service(服务)A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all

    2011-11-17 编辑:tan 标签: 豁免权 280 词汇 课堂 可可

  • 可可词汇课堂第279期:悲剧

    友情提示:看不懂音变的同学请听203-206期 encroach croach-croch-coch--hook词汇起源[14] Something that encroaches on something else literally seizes it with its ‘hooks’. The word was borrow

    2011-11-15 编辑:tan 标签: 排行榜 词汇课堂

  • 可可词汇课堂第278期:喜剧

    fileA line of persons, animals, or things positioned one behind the otherTo march or walk in a linen.行列;【军】纵列vi.排成纵队行进例句:A file of passengers was coming down the steps.旅客鱼贯走下阶

    2011-11-15 编辑:tan 标签: 阅读 双语 韩语 词汇课堂

  • 可可词汇课堂第277期:海市蜃楼

    友情提示:看不懂音变的同学请听203-206期 【根】mur=wall(墙) Mars war muralA very large image, such as a painting or enlarged photograph, applied directly to a wall or ceiling.Of, relating to, or r

    2011-11-14 编辑:tan 标签:

  • 可可词汇课堂第276期:跟随

    second sec-sequ-suComing next after the first in order, place, rank, time, or qualityadj.第二的 obsequious 前缀ob=after,理解为to也可以,整个单词就是“to follow after”。Full of or exhibiting servil

    2011-11-11 编辑:tan 标签: 双语 阅读 韩语

  • 可可词汇课堂第275期:发馒头

    友情提示:看不懂音变的同学请听203-206期 vagile walk w-v g-k Characterized by vagility; able to move about or disperse in a given environmentadj. 漫游的 extravagantGiven to lavish or imprudent expend

    2011-11-11 编辑:tan 标签: 代言

  • 可可词汇课堂第274期:蹒跚

    友情提示:看不懂音变的同学请听203-206期 invade went w-v a-e t-d nTo enter by force in order to conquer or pillage.To encroach or intrude on; violate: “The principal of the trusts could not be i

    2011-11-11 编辑:tan 标签: 性感 预告

  • 可可词汇课堂第273期:唯美主义

    aesthetic esthet=feeling es=ex thet-sensepertaining to a sense of the beautiful or to the science of aesthetics.having a sense of the beautiful; characterized by a love of beauty.pertaining to, invo

    2011-11-09 编辑:tan 标签:

  • 可可词汇课堂第272期:别墅里的坏人

    villain villa 别墅A wicked or evil person; a scoundrel.A dramatic or fictional character who is typically at odds with the hero.Something said to be the cause of particular trouble or an evil: pover

    2011-11-09 编辑:tan 标签:

  • 可可词汇课堂第271期:姐妹嗯

    exhale holeTo breathe out. To emit air or vapor.To be given off or emitted.To blow (something) forth or breathe (something) out.To give off; emit:vt. 呼气;发出;发散;使蒸发vi. 呼气;发出;发散例句

    2011-11-07 编辑:tan 标签:

  • 可可词汇课堂第270期:呼吸

    low 低 slow 慢lax 松的 lack 缺乏 slack 松弛的;淡季,萧条(期)slim 苗条 line 线snore打鼾 sneeze打喷嚏 nose 鼻子melt熔化 smelt 熔炼 aspire spir=breath 呼吸 spir pore exhale holeTo have a great ambition

    2011-11-05 编辑:tan 标签:

  • 可可词汇课堂第269期:排成直线

    align a=ad=to lign-lin-lineTo arrange in a line or so as to be parallel: align the tops of a row of pictures; aligned the car with the curb.To adjust (parts of a mechanism, for example) to produce a

    2011-11-05 编辑:tan 标签:

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课程名称 课时 价格 试听
赵丽速记5500 18 ¥120
赵丽速记8000 25 ¥180
赵丽速记GRE词汇红宝书 30 ¥300
文健速记 3000 35 ¥120
刘畅背词6000 18 ¥120


