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广州小学四年级(下)(学生用书) Unit16:市场

来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

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UNIT 16 In The Market
New words and Expressions
vender corrot dollar half.
kilo anything else anything else.
That's it tomatoefresh cost.
cent chang potato pepper broccoli onion.
1 Look and listen.
Then read and act in groups.
V:Can I help you?
P:Yes,how much are the carrots?V:They are one dollar a kilo.
P:OK.I'd like half a kilo,please.V:Sure.Do you want anything else?
P:No.That's it,thanks.V:What can I do for you?
P:Mmm.These tomatoes look good.V:Yes.They are really fresh.
P:How much do they cost?V:They're 2 dollars 60 cents a kilo.
P:Mmm.I'd like four, please.
V:OK.Let's see.2 dollars 60 cents a kilo.That's 40 cents please.
P:OK.Thank you.V:And here's your change.
V:Can I help you?
P:Yes,how much are the carrots?
V:They are one dollar a kilo.
P:OK.I'd like half a kilo,please.
V:Sure.Do you want anything else?
P:No.That's it,thanks.V:What can I do for you?
P:Mmm.These tomatoes look good.
V:Yes.They are really fresh.
P:How much do they cost?
V:They're 2 dollars 60 cents a kilo.
P:Mmm.I'd like four,please.
V:OK.Let's see.2 dollars 60 cents a kilo.That's 40 cents please.
P:OK.Thank you.
V:And here's your change.
Work With Language
1 Look listen and then try to tell your partner what they need/don't need.
And I think we need some apples I think we need some eggs.
I think we need some onions.But we don't need any rice.




