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广州小学五年级(下)课本(05版) Unit4:该吃早餐了

来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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feel wake wake up ill.
matter What's the matter? quickly.
get dress bad hot cold.
have a cold sweet plenty.
plenty of bath have a bath.
1 Look and listen.Then read and act in groups.
Good morning,Janet.
It's time to get up.Zzzzzz.....
Good morning,Janet.Wake up!
Huh....oh,I feel ill.
Get up,Janet!It's time for breakfast.
I can't,Mum.
What's the matter?I don't know.I feel tired.
Can I go back to sleep?OK.
Wake up,Janet!It's time for school.Zzzzz....
Wake up,Janet.Huh...oh,hi,Mum.
Get up,Janet! You're late for school.
Eat your breakfast,Janet.
It's for school.
Yes,eat your breakfast quickly.
I don't want to be late for school.
I'm not hungry.I don't feel well.
Janet,it's time for school.
Get dressed,quickly.
Mum,I'm tired.I don't want to go to school.
OK.Get dressed.We're going to see the doctor.
Good morning,Janet.
It's time to get up.Zzzzzz.....
Good morning,Janet.Wake up!
Huh....oh,I feel ill.
Get up,Janet!It's time for breakfast.
I can't,Mum.
What's the matter?I don't know.I feel tired.
Can I go back to sleep?OK.
Wake up,Janet!It's time for school.Zzzzz....
Wake up,Janet.Huh...oh,hi,Mum.
Get up,Janet! You're late for school.
Eat your breakfast,Janet.
It's for school.
Yes,eat your breakfast quickly.
I don't want to be late for school.
I'm not hungry.I don't feel well.
Janet,it's time for school.
Get dressed,quickly.
Mum,I'm tired.I don't want to go to school.
OK.Get dressed.We're going to see the doctor.




