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走遍美国:A Real Stewart ACT II
时间:2005-10-1 14:30:58  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Grandpa loves his family.
So does she.
Grandpa loves his family.
So does he.
There's a lot of love here
every single day.
Grandpa loves his family.
So do they.
Susan works in business.
So does he.
Richard likes his exercise.
So does she.
Philip works with children.
She works with them, too.
She works in a hospital.
So does he, it's true.
Grandpa likes to be outside
on a summer day.
He likes to be outdoors fishing,
and so do they.
Marilyn has curly hair.
So does she.
Grandpa has a little hair.
So does he.
Harry likes to see the sights
on a beautiful day.
Harry likes to see the sights,
and so do they.
Grandpa likes to be outside
on a summer day.
He likes to be outdoors fishing,
and so do they.
Philip loves his family.
Susan loves her family.
There's a lot of love here
every single day.
Grandpa loves his family,
and so do they.
... and so do they.
... and SO ... DO ... THEY.

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