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自考英语讲座(下) 第37讲
时间:2008-2-1 16:06:13  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 


Unit 7

Text A

  be satisfied with sth/ to do sth
  in a satisfying way
  satisfied customer
  satisfactory answer
  this is a _satisfactory____ work.
  Teaching is a kind of_satisfying___ work.
  Relax  relaxing  relaxed
  A __relaxing__ atmosphere
  Relaxed students
  It is desired that the meeting should be closed earlier.
  Desire for sth
  Urban life/ poverty
  Stress   pressure
  Lie  lay lain  underlying
  An underlying rule
  Impart sth to sb
  Negative attitude
  Motivate sb to do sth
  Everyone here is highly motivated.
  Motive   motivation
  This student is lack of motivation.
  irrelevant to
  communicator communication
  participate  participant
  attain one’s goal
  possession  n.   1. 有,拥有;2. [pl.] 占有物,财产
Being the only child, he came into possession of a great deal of property when his father died.
Shes never really been interested in material possessions.

  Will passengers please make sure that they take all their personal possessions with them on leaving the train.

  desirable  a.   称心的,合意的,理想的 
Reducing the size of classes in schools is a desirable aim.

  I think that smoking is one of your less desirable habits.

  He has a highly desirable job.
portray  v.   描绘,描写,描述 
The painting portrays a beautiful young woman and her pet dog. 

  The writer portrays life in a working-class community at the turn of the century.
acquire  v.  
She acquired an original painting by Van Gogh.

  I was wearing a newly acquired jacket.

  I acquired a little Spanish while I was in peru.

  Shes acquired some very unpleasant habits recently.

  impart  v.   把…分给;给予;传授;告知 
I spoke to Don but he didnt have anything of note to impart.

  I was rather quiet as I didnt feel I had much wisdom to impart on the subject.

  She imparted the secret to her boyfriend.
  motivate  v.   作为…的动机;激发 
They are motivated by a desire to help people.

  We are looking for someone who will be able to motivate the staff to work hard. 
Examinations do not motivate a student to seek more knowledge.

  attain  v.   1. 到达,达到;2. 获得 
He has attained the highest grade in his music exams.

  We need to identify the best ways of attaining our objectives.

  India attained independence in 1947, after decades of struggle.

  attainment  n.   1. 达到,到达;2. [pl.] 成就,造诣 
Student levels/standards of punctuality, behaviour and attainment are very low.

  The department has been set some very high attainment targets.
  be concerned with  1. 关于,涉及;2. 关心,关切
Her job is something concerned with computers.

  Todays lesson is going to be concerned with how to make requests.

  Your parents are concerned with / about your health.

  attach importance to  认为…很重要,重视…
  I dont attach any importance to these rumors.

  She attaches great importance to being financially independent.
  She attaches a lot of importance to personal possessions.
  The teacher attaches great importance to grammar.
  take to  养成…的习惯;开始喜欢…
  She was so depressed she took to drink/drugs. 

  Hes taken to staying out very late. 
  His wife took to Cambridge/her new neighbours.

  Shes taken to tennis like a duck to water.
  He takes to fishing.

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