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自考英语讲座(下) 第48讲
时间:2008-2-1 16:38:10  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

  1.       To these now familiar facts a number of further facts may be added, some of them only recently recognised.
  9.       it is because the birthrate fell __ (early) in Western and Northwestern Europe than elsewhere, rather than because of any change in the death rate, that we have grown so old.   
  10.   We have among us a very much greater experience of continued living than any society that has ever preceded us anywhere, and this will continue.
  句中among us 作谓语动词have 的状语,正常语序为
  We have a very much greater experience of continued living among us.


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