
时间:2008-3-22 12:14:53  来源:可可听力网   作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴



Florida and Michigan held primaries in January that Clinton won. But the national Democratic Party disallowed the results because the two states moved up the dates of their primaries in violation of party rules.



Clinton is hoping that re-votes of the two primaries would give her new momentum and added delegates in her battle with Obama. But it now appears unlikely that state party officials in both states will be able to agree on holding either a new primary or a mail-in vote.



Political analysts say redoing the Florida and Michigan votes is a key part of Clinton's strategy to win the Democratic nomination.



John Fortier is a political expert at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington.



"She really needed not only the delegates, but the momentum and the possibility of more delegates out there to keep her campaign going," said John Fortier. "And as it looks like that is not going to happen, the odds of her winning the nomination are very, very small. The delegates are not there, the momentum is not there, and because of that you may see some super delegates coming to that conclusion in the next few weeks before Pennsylvania."



Super delegates are uncommitted party activists and elected officials who will play a crucial role in choosing the Democratic party nominee for president. Neither Obama nor Clinton can win enough delegates in the remaining primaries or caucuses to secure the nomination outright, so both candidates are making a play for their support.



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