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新版大学英语综合教程第三册 UNIT4-2
时间:2008-9-25 10:34:51  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

17    The fellow in the suit said, "We have chosen this locality for our first contact because it is isolated and peaceful. We know that you are the leader here."
18    "I'm the sheriff, if that's what you mean, so spit it out. What's your trouble?"
      “我是治安官,这是你要说的吧,有什么话就直说, 你们遇到什么麻烦了?” 
19    "We have been careful to adopt your mode of dress and even to assume your appearance. We have also learned your language."
20    You could see the light break in on Cameron. He said, "You guys foreigners?" Cameron didn't go much for foreigners, never having met many outside the army, but generally he tried to be fair.
21    The man from the saucer said, "Foreigners? Indeed we are. We come from the watery place your people call Venus."
22    Cameron never blinked an eye. He said, "All right. This is the U.S.A. We all got equal rights regardless of race, color, or nationality. I'm at your service. What can I do for you?"
23    "We would like to have you make immediate arrangements for the important men of your U.S.A., as you call it, to be brought here for discussions leading to your people joining our great organization."
24    Slowly, Cameron got red. "Our people join your organization. We're already part of the U.N. and God knows what else. And I suppose I'm to get the President here, eh? Right now? In Twin Gulch? Send a hurry-up message?" He looked at me, as though he wanted to see a smile on my face, but I couldn't as much as fall down if someone had pushed the chair out from under me.
25    The saucer man said, "Speed is desirable."
26    "You want Congress, too? The Supreme Court?"
27    "If they will help, sheriff."
28    And Cameron really went to pieces. He banged his income tax form and yelled, "Well, you're not helping me, and I have no time for wise guys who come around, especially foreigners. If you don't get the hell out of here straight away, I'll lock you up for disturbing the peace and I'll never let you out."
29    "You wish us to leave?" said the man from Venus.
30    "Right now! Get the hell out of here and back to wherever you're from and don't ever come back. I don't want to see you and no one else around here does."
31    The two men looked at each other.
32    Then the one who had done all the talking said, "I can see in your mind that you really wish, with great intensity, to be left alone. It is not our way to force ourselves or our organization on people who do not wish us or it. We will respect your privacy and leave. We will not return. We will put a warning around your world and none will enter."
33    Cameron said, "Mister, I'm tired of this garbage, so I'll count to three -- "
34    They turned and left, and I just knew that everything they said was so. I was listening to them, you see, which Cameron wasn't, because he was busy thinking of his income tax, and it was as though I could hear their minds, know what I mean? I knew that there would be a kind of fence around earth, keeping others out.

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