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美国原汁原味访谈录:The View 议论 Rihanna 事件(上)
时间:2009-4-27 12:10:19  来源:本站原创  作者:sunny   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

The View ladies talking about Rihanna

Rihanna was hit by her boyfriend Chris Brown, The View ladies are talking about it.

Welcome back to a Day of Hot Topics on The View. Now E! Online reports that Rihanna and Chris Brown reunited in Miami this weekend and her father Ronald Fenty apparently supported her decision saying "whatever road she chooses I'm behind her". Good for him. What d'you think?

You think so?

Yea, I do.

Well, I mean you can't just say we're gonna, you know, if you get back together with Chris, we're not gonna talk to you any more. She's a grown woman.

I would, if he touches my daughter one more time, I will get his ******.

He probably did. I'm sure he probably did say something like that, I mean. That's kinda like a father's kinda impetuses, his natural reaction. We don't know that he didn't say that to Chris.

(But to say with, I think he probably would say...)I think he came out. He publicly, we public, you know, he publicly supported her. But I, you know, what concerns me is I would hope that, you know, he says he's going to anger management classes, that if she's gonna take him back, they both go to some classes. I would really love to see them do something for the young people. I would really love to see them do some PSAs (公益广告) about hitting people. And Rihanna, if it happens again, you'd better run for the hills, cuz...

They are gonna get their stuff together first.

Why can't you have a time-out from the guy though, you know, have a time-out, go anger management for a year and then we'll discuss it.

I still want to hear what actually happened cuz we still don't know.

But we saw the picture.

That doesn't matter, seeing the picture, (You don't know what happened Sherri.)we don't... We still don't know what happens. And I find it extraordinarily interesting that it has not come out. So, there is a lot going on in this particular situation that we're not aware of, I believe.

Just think, you know, the young, Sherri talked about her niece, so you think about young girls who are watching this and using this as a model. You know, you just have to, I don't know. It upsets me because I feel as though these young girls to get back with someone after he has done that to you. They are not married. They don't have a commitment. I hope they're not. I really hope they're not.(One hopes...) Go and find someone who treats you right. Don't...

One hopes...Where was it? One hopes that after a period of time, she will say this is my relationship. (Yes.)This is a man I loved, I wanted, and I 've taken back with these conditions. So, this is, again, we don't know.

Point is what happened actually.

run for the hills: When someone really wants to get away from a situation or relationship as fast as they can, they "run for the hills."


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